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    Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Greetings Rohanians!

    Have something you want to share with your fellow players? We appreciate and encourage spirited discussions, debates, disagreements, compliments, etc. We also understand that the coexistence of helpful, constructive posts, alongside sizzling controversies, are what make this a lively forum for our members in their R.O.H.A.N. Renaissance Of Human And Nature playground. As a place that welcomes new and veteran members, we want to make this a safe forum for all. In addition, PlayWith is involved in partnerships with other companies who expect a standard decorum in our website and game content.

    Make sure you are posting constructive criticism, whether it's negative or positive. Contrary to what some people believe, we do take feedback from here into account.

    Along with the forum policies, guidelines and codes of conduct outlined in this sub-forum, below are specifics of topics that we will be monitoring closely.

    Notice: Administrators/Moderators reserve the right to change/edit/delete any content at any time if they feel it is inappropriate.

    I. General Forum Rules:
    DO NOT:
    Flame, insult, or demean other members.
    Bypass the swear or other filters.
    Abuse or encourage abuse of the Post Reporting or Private Messaging Systems.
    Post personally identifiable information (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.) of yourself or others.
    Bump threads intentionally.
    Derail a thread's topic.
    Post links to "phishing" sites.
    Post spam (Ex. +1, 10char, rickrolls) or re-post closed, modified, deleted content.
    Repetitively post in the incorrect forum (Ex. Trade requests belong in trading forum).
    Openly argue with a Moderator. Contact the Moderator via a private message.
    Share your account. Forum accounts are intended for use by one person.
    Create alternate, backup, or multiple forum accounts.
    Publicly post or otherwise share PM's with other users unless you have the expressed permission of the sender to do so. Private Messages are intended to be just that - private.
    Creating forum posts to get your tickets resolved. All of your tickets are handled in the order they are received, it is unnecessary to post threads for your ticket.
    Cross posting a topic in multiple forums.

    II. The following topics are strictly OFF LIMITS, including in external links:
    Porn, gross content, or anything else NSFW(Not Safe For Work).
    Piracy, warez, or leaked content.
    Cheating, hacking, game exploits, private Servers.
    Threats of violence or harassment (Even as a joke).
    Posting copyrighted material.
    Soliciting, begging, auctioning, selling, advertising, referrals.
    Racism, discrimination.
    Drugs or things related to drug use.
    Religious, political, and other “prone to huge arguments” threads.
    *Any* discussion of RMT(Real Money Trading) will result in a permanent ban from the R.O.H.A.N. Renaissance Of Human And Nature: Blood Feud Forums.

    III. No Backseat Moderating:
    Let the forum Moderators do the moderating. Backseat Moderating is when people who are not Moderators try to enforce the forum rules. Whenever you see a person breaking the rules, send a private message to any of the forum staff. Or simply IGNORE the offensive post(s) or thread.

    IV. Report Post to the Moderators:
    Should you observe a fellow forum member breaking these rules please report the post by contacting any of the forum staff via Private Message.

    V. Warning System:
    Warnings will be issued to forum users who break these posting guidelines. Users who are found to be repeat offenders of these established rules will be banned from accessing the forums.
    Last edited by GM_Karazy; 05-21-2015 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Adding my sig<3

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