Quote Originally Posted by oIRENEo View Post
How do you guys feel about R.O.H.A.N. 2 ?

Just because I'm trying to name it creatively.
Anyway any suggestion on that if you're a developer and you may put something into it?

I'm not sure which would be main features yet.
But it would be released in Korea first around upcoming July or August.

Thank you for awesome idea(IN ADVANCE ) !
If Rohan 2 means ynk/pw will stop shutting down private servers of Rohan 1 I can't wait for it!

If Rohan 2 is run by the same people who ran this game I would not even consider downloading it. Here is why...

1. Class balance in this game has been AWFUL for years...and we get no balance patch. Clearly the devs either don't care, or are retarded, and either way I would not put much faith in them for a new game.
2. The gms flat out lied about starting a server to be free of epics/upgrades, then gave total **** compensation to Jin players even though they restarted on a server with crappy forge/refine rates compared to Ran to get away from epics/upgrades. Lieing to customers and ****ing them over without even giving proper compensation...not a good way to keep them.
3. This game is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to pay to win. Why would someone who only plans on spending a little money on a game want to bother with this game when they just get destroyed by people who spend a lot? If I was going to spend 10-20 bucks a month on a game I'd rather pay for a subscription based game then spend it on Rohan to get destroyed by someone spending 100-200 a month.
4. Cheating/hacking/duping/whatever you want to call it is rampant in this game, but big spenders are allowed to get away with it even when they are caught.
5. Rates in this game...are a joke. You know what happens when someone is trying to forge something, and 40 dollars worth of pres/options later they have nothing useable? You lose customers. For the 5% of retards that are like dam, I better spend another 40....the other 95% of players are like lol **** this, I just got ripped off, and they leave and go play real games.
6. Prices in this game...are a joke. For the price of parts of one upgrade, before even attempting to forge it, I could literally go buy 2 new, recently released games.

So yeah...please release rohan 2 and leave rohan 1 pservers alone...because there have already been multiple pservers that provide a much better player experience than the retail server, but you retail jerks keep shutting them down