Hello o.o
MinTea here (Mario) , some of you may know me, or not. If not, go **** yourselves.
ANYWAY, so I found out about this trinity update , seen some posts and videos and couldn't help myself from not fapping (srs)

Am I the only one who's actually saving up money from now until the launch to throw money on the new class ? Tbh, I couldn't care less, right ?
Currently got 2 mates of mine who will be re-rolling to the new race after launch, and agreed to feed PWI money, why not ?

The excitement is real
Thought I'd share this, seeing as how I much I miss rohan and the troll times I used to have D:

However .. it's either spending money on Aion, or Rohan.. or ... Both ?!
But there are a few questions;
Any ideas as to what sort of upg weapons the new race will be using ?
How decent is the Jainus server now after the merge ?
I'm on a budget of 100-200 a week for rohan (Just to get the gear and accs) and wondering if feathers are necessary (+12 and above) or is it fine to stick with .. idk, insurgents/craft rings?
How exactly do you craft the new onyx set ?
And where do I ****ing buy costumes to put my costume stones into ? LEL

Wall of text
wall of text
wall of text
