LOOOOOOOOOL just like when i had forsetes account info and he had 490k rps on it and a 4x old zhen (when they were selling for 200k rps) and mad other things and i didn't touch a single rp his 4x zhen his flames (when they were 33k each still) none of it and i had his acc for months and his shop pw right? kyle was a piece of **** that took my items and promised me items that you took and anna scammed from him hailey. enough said. i have scammed mark and kyle and i dont care about admitting it everyone knos what kinda person mark is and the reason you dont see mark logging in anymore is because i also got irl charged filed on him and his accs banned. you kids claim that ive been banned that i buy scammed sh.it from e2n for cheap and fabricate these stories because youre obsessed with me its pathetic really. yet you show no evidence. kist bla bla at the mouth saying i bought my absolute set scammed from e2n for 15k (proven wrong) trying to say I WAS the one who scammed that axe and dagger from e2n. (yet clearly the Kenshinee guy was) Anything that happens in this game is directly connected to me. I'll quote maha something she said once LOL. "WERE ALL SHAWN."