Hello ROHAN community (GMs and fellow players alike). As I was preparing to forge two pieces of a Glacial Upgrade WPN of my choice, just after I put in the pieces, option stone of my choice, preservation stone, and when I clicked on "Forge," then this message pops up over the Forging screen: "12 random items will be selected from options as ingredients for item forging. Do you still want to forge?" And you got your "Confirm" and "Cancel" choices as usual. Does this "weird choice message" only applies to the Glacial Upgraded pieces? Or it complies to forging ALL weapons in general? I would LOVE to post the pic to show everyone what I'm talking about, unfortunately, this Web site won't allow me to do for an unknown reason. If anyone knows more about this "weird choice message," please give me an answer before I decided to forge my chosen Glacial Upgraded WPN. The main reason why I asked is that I don't want to blindly forge the pieces and get something that it's not in my favor. And TYVM for anyone who knows the answer to this.