Wizzies only need 1 skill destroy and even psy wizzies can use it ever heard of strong mind?

****ty wizzies want to use ring burst and magical piercing and wide polution and wide encourage then all the skills get bugged what happens? you die to mobs.

Destroy cant be bugged, has 100% uptime you have 27% chance to crit (strong mind and the crit on the staff) and 70% attack speed (50% from the staff and 20% from mind training) that will overcome the v slow attack speed problem. Also a psy wizz doesnt need upg staff anyways you can save the 100 bucks and just forge a glacial staff with ARMOUR DEF and 1 ABS like a smaht person and tank all the mobs (except new dungeon).

Like jesusf0ck do I need to make a sintelion puppet for you idiots to learn how to play wizz properly?