Incredible the way this GM got no brain, I wonder the requirement for being a Game Master here, fail your college and you can get a job in Playwith ?
Can this girl get her mind and stop take us as weathercock once for all ?

Ticket #213753 asking GMs to just recover a Dark Storm.

First answer from her :

Posted on: 30 September 2014 07:18 PM
Thank you for contacting support!
We can see that the item Dark Storm was deleted from the previous owner.
We can grant one restoration request for the Dark Storm, but after his one time restoration we do not grant another restoration in the future.
If you agree on those restoration terms, we can then restore the item back to your account.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Playwith Interactive Support Staff
But doesnt restore it, probably waiting my agreement on that only one restoration, so I post that I agree then :

Posted on: 01 October 2014 02:24 PM
Thank you for contacting support!
We can see that the item Dark Storm was deleted from the previous owner.
At this time we can not restore items from quests. A restoration for the Dark Storm is not possible.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Playwith Interactive Support Staff
So kinda was like wtf, and ask why now she cant, and if she cant ill asked her to just delete the Quest so I make it again (its possible they did it once on event quests for delete quests items that couldnt be removed).
But here, I used to read another answer as exepted :

Posted on: 01 October 2014 05:42 PM
Thank you for contacting us again regarding the Quest Item Dark Storm Permanent and the Quest "Kill the Ruler of Ancient Darkness".
After further reviewing the account we can NOT cancel the Quest in your newly bought character but what we can offer you is this:
Complete the Quest "Kill the Ruler of Ancient Darkness" and complete the quest by killing the Ruler of Ancient Darkness (Party or Solo your choice) and provide us with a screenshot of killing the Ruler of Ancient Darkness and we will confirm this in our logs. Provide us with the screenshot and date and time when you killed the Ruler of Ancient Darkness. After confirmation we will provide your character with the Quest Item (Dark Storm Permanent).

We hope to hear from you soon and good luck with completing the Quest.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Playwith Interactive Support Staff
So, we work on it :
Posted on: 09 October 2014 06:50 PM << killing date

So now wtf ticket being closed without answer from her ? Is she kidding ?
Posted a new ticket explaining how she pissing me off ))))) (#214130) So if any real GM can do it, it would be fine.