I just found out today "Monkey D. Luffy" account is under investigation, I don't know who is in charged from this bull**** but his account had been locked for at least 4 times in less than 5 months.

Equal2None has been sending plenty of tickets trying to get people from my guild banned, such as: Monkey Da Luffy, SweetAngel, , and me ( Endeavor)

I feel Jin is a waste of time, people can't play without getting their accounts banned or locked for unknown reasons. Like if there is favoritism towards certainly guilds that they been around for some time.
Some people in my guild and alliance have great gear and can make a huge amount of damage, that don't necessarily means they been using hacks or glitching. What happens to the "FAIR" pvp that used to be so fun back in the days.

Instead of being a game "fight to win" is more a game " spam tickets and get players banned".... Or even better yet " Report players and make it looks like we don't do anything illegal"

PLAYWITH game masters are judging us wrong based on false accusation of players thinking we make excessive damage in pvps, wars, and bosses. This is disgusting when players in Equal2None, StarGazers, FalseDogs been making insanely higher damage than us and we don't spam tickets to PWSupport to investigate their accounts and yet there are some RETARD Game Masters who are making this game less playable and frustrating by locking accounts in our side. While the ones who are using hack, glitching, and duping scrolls ( yes, again) are getting away and free of all.

If nothing good is coming within the next 15 days and Luffy account don't get release, we are going to QUIT and CHARGEBACK all the money charged and **** it, we will be better off in any other game out there.