Just read NanTAs thread on how he lost 670 dollars, a totally shocking story.
I had a problem a few months ago when there was a maintenance to remove those treasure pocket items from the EM and on that maint they also vanished from my inventory. After sending a ticket, they sent me back a message saying something like send another ticket with basically the same information I had on the first ticket. Getting nowhere with that I stuck a post in the forum and a GM responded by saying, send another ticket. Well maybe 6 tickets later they sent me a message to send them a screen shot of the items purchased. My heart sank at that point as I just don't know how to take a screen shot. With the help of my wife we managed to take a picture of purchase with a smart phone and I forwarded it onto them via email. That was the last I heard from your support. I never lost as much as the poor guy above, but I know when it happened to me. It felt like I'd just been mugged. The fault was totally 100% of their doing. If you can do investigations into players accounts, then why didn't you just do one on my account and return the items or rp back to me. As I see it, I purchased items legally from your EM shop, and you took them off me without my permission, so in the eyes of the law is that not theft!
Or do ynk have some clause in their terms and conditions to cover them for such an event.
Your support team obviously failed their training course miserably.