Quote Originally Posted by lightsinthesky View Post
Pros of No HK
- Met a lot of good people and friends
- The lols and derps
- Fun, defend your turf pvp instead of coming back to a dead party and: "...are you guys there?"

Cons of No HK
- I'm lazy
- I level slow and everyone out-levels me.
- No, you don't understand. ...I'm very, very lazy.

Pros of HK
- Being able to afk when you have tool bags in your party
- Being able to level multiple chars at once without leeching.
- Supposedly able to go do other things but will find yourself dead 70% of the time.

Cons of HK
- Coming back dead 70% of the time.
- People afking so that you're unable to move spots or needing to remake the party after being rpked.
- People who have no idea how to play their class or how to coordinate with their party when they start to pvp.

I guess, just from personal preferences, the pve experience is just as important as pvp when it comes to how much I enjoy a game. I miss meeting people, (some good, some bad), having interesting, sometimes downright hilarious convos, and having regular parties. I want to play with people I enjoy spending time with, 'cause what's the point of playing a game if it makes you more stressed than before you logged in?

Edit: Actually... you know what? Screw it. No HKs at all. Let only hardcore people reach max level, lmao.

And yep, there will be EM:
I bed I'm more lazy.

Not sure if that's a good thing to boast about.