Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
You are illiterate. Do you know who or how many people have even 85% dd (and up)?
How am I the illiterate one when the only thing I asked you is for a value you think it is fair for a templar regular to hit for that is effective on the high end of the dd spectrum on Ran without being massively OP to people on the average to lower end. Can you please answer that question?

But since you refuse to have a semi-intelligent conversation and instead resort to immature name calling, I guess it just makes it obvious to anyone(hopefully Aztigan) reading this thread that it is impossible to balance around Ran dd values.

And I'll even be so kind as to answer your question for you. The number of people with 85%+dd is probably pretty close to the number of people who were hitting 100% dd, and well, you cried pretty hard about human offhands being 50%. Funny how that works, isn't it? One week said players are breaking the game, the next eh its just a few people, stop talking about them.