okay so lets get some things straight
First of all ur not 5-6 months into the boss line u were considered abt 2 months ago.
no1 got drops 1 week after he joined the guild don't bs i know exactly who gets what you on the other hand don't

Now i never said u didn't show up for fights, did i ? But you were in forever, you DID get the Forever member status.
The fact that you worked 75% of the time was not a issue with us but with u, u never got ur pice or etc cuz u couldn't be on at that time.
When i asked nicole to give u a break and everything was fine, you were a moron and u started running ur mouth and ended up with you looking like an idiot cuz u know nothing abt dekans or guardians. I gave up at that point and i told everybody idc if we kick him cuz i tried.
Anyway we decided to give u drops cuz u seemed loyal, what with getting scammed and being with us for a while, no1 expect you to scamm us.
You got 0 arguments you just assume i would say something then you come with a come-back. I never said anything u just said, i know u helped thats why u were trusted. It's a fact.
Just like you scamming us is a fact.
You and me both know it won't change the war, it's just gay, another scammer.
Its good that ur all getting in 1 guild, its easier to keep track that way

I know ur defender is STR i noticed when it died so easy.
Did i say it was vit ?