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  1. #1

    No Exchange Market? Are you kidding me?

    The exchange market is 70% of the Rohan Experience. Sure the mad PVPers here will say it is PVP that makes Rohan great, but in actual fact it is the Exchange Market that has been central to relatively satisfying Rohan Gameplay.

    When I started playing here in Spring 2008, I found the Exchange market to be unique in that you could buy and sell characters, goods and in-game currency for use in the Item Mall or other Exchange purchases. In particular the ability to buy and sell characters was unique to Rohan and a very attractive solution to those that didn't want to do it the hard, time consuming way. The ability to sell your legendary forged armor and weapons in the exchange made it valuable to thousands of players.

    Remember back when the Epics appeared in-game and destroyed the exchange of weapons? What happened? Half your population got very, very angry and walked away triggering the first and most famous of the Rohan private servers.

    These days very few of those private server have an exchange market and because of that they do not stay around very long. Those that have exchange markets have been running for a few years now.

    @Playwith Interactive: If you expect this 'version' of Rohan to survive any length of time I very strongly suggest you get your Exchange market up and running very soon. Without an Exchange market for your players to buy and sell their stuff I personally don't see any reason for people to stay here more than a couple weeks.

  2. #2
    Likely disabled at launch to prevent selling gold and/or prevent selling characters before a baseline of levelup difficulty is established

  3. #3
    cant use ecash, cuz there nothing i can buy by them xD

  4. #4
    Doubtful they will reintroduce the exchange market, people didn't need to spend money on RPs because of it. Everyone was also selling items for ridiculous prices, for example 2x upgrade weapons were going for 20k-50k RPs which equates to 200$-500$. It got to the point only those willing or capable of spending 1/4 to 2/4 of their paychecks were playing anymore.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Archeal View Post
    Doubtful they will reintroduce the exchange market, people didn't need to spend money on RPs because of it. Everyone was also selling items for ridiculous prices, for example 2x upgrade weapons were going for 20k-50k RPs which equates to 200$-500$. It got to the point only those willing or capable of spending 1/4 to 2/4 of their paychecks were playing anymore.
    What you forget is that those RPs have to come from somewhere in the first place. People can't accumulate RPs out of thin air. There was also the EM tax to help sink RPs out of the system.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Neophyte28 View Post
    What you forget is that those RPs have to come from somewhere in the first place. People can't accumulate RPs out of thin air. There was also the EM tax to help sink RPs out of the system.
    But that's exactly what was happening, it had got to a point that the same RPs were just circling the exchange, one person would drop 1000$ on RPs and purchase multiple items that would just cycle back to a single person who would then purchase a large expensive item that would then cycle through buying smaller items that would eventually make their way back to a single person and the cycle would continue.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Archeal View Post
    But that's exactly what was happening, it had got to a point that the same RPs were just circling the exchange, one person would drop 1000$ on RPs and purchase multiple items that would just cycle back to a single person who would then purchase a large expensive item that would then cycle through buying smaller items that would eventually make their way back to a single person and the cycle would continue.
    Increase the EM tax then. Either way, this game requires IM usage like we need oxygen. F2P just cannot have any meaningful fun or contribution to gameplay without it. How many purely F2P players have left already? This game absolutely and unequivocally needs the EM.

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