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  1. #1

    GM Kuma? What a joke!

    Firstly I would like to start off with why is Kuma a bad GM.

    For a start, he abuses his GM powers. He disconnected me because I called him a noob. Do I not have the right to call someone a noob now? Does he even play the game or just stand in town?

    Also, on his Facebook page he said, "In August, I will use it to punish people who speak another language " ....Wow Kuma, no where in Seal Online terms and conditions does it state that one must ONLY speak English when using the public chat. I believe you're crossing the line and being racist and discriminating to some people.

    But what does Kuma actually do to help the game? Yeah he might report issues to GM Dustt, but in reality all we see is screenshots of him and how to do in game gestures. Useless.

    Lastly, I have heard that he is rude to players that he does not like.

    So I would like to start a petition to have his GM powers revoked. Kuma, or should I say, Bosgadang is only a normal person (not a very nice one). I believe he does not have the right attitude to have such power. He, along with any other player is welcome to report bugs and complaints to GM Dustt, but he should not have the title of GameMaster.

    If you agree with me, share your thoughts.

  2. #2
    agree, IMHO this so-called GM kuma is not qualified being a GM, too much show off and flirting with girls he seems to have interest with.
    a GM from indonesian on a global server seems wrong with me.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bakyuphok View Post
    agree, IMHO this so-called GM kuma is not qualified being a GM, too much show off and flirting with girls he seems to have interest with.
    a GM from indonesian on a global server seems wrong with me.
    Buddy that's racist. But I agree with this thread. I sign this petition. A good GM should be fair and not show any favouritism which "Kuma" isn't capable of.

  4. #4
    Sorry Double Post.
    I Want JIKMARU back

  5. #5
    i am agree
    with that Quote "in August, I will use it to punish people who speak another language"\
    well... this first time i hear a game will punish people using another langue

  6. #6
    we're player

    player like Boss and GM u are maid
    so why GM make player mad?

    player mad = more player quit = no money = game close = Kuma Plan succes
    Last edited by rioasd123; 06-30-2013 at 07:52 PM.

  7. #7
    Gm kuma have low atittude !!!
    He look like kind gm only with his friend or real girls in game
    that fact!!!
    Thats why i hate kuma!!

  8. #8
    why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine? sure things he wanted us to stop using other language beside english. VERY WELL. don't play Seal BOD then. so much lag and delay, banning id based on the GM thought whether a player using cheat or not (which i often found the player is not a cheater), and this GM demands almost many things but he provides nothing. It's pretty enough to make me stop playing this game. there are still many better games than this game though.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Rayzxcore View Post
    why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine? sure things he wanted us to stop using other language beside english. VERY WELL. don't play Seal BOD then. so much lag and delay, banning id based on the GM thought whether a player using cheat or not (which i often found the player is not a cheater), and this GM demands almost many things but he provides nothing. It's pretty enough to make me stop playing this game. there are still many better games than this game though.
    dont stop play seal bod.

    play seal bod, stop buying voucher / RPs and lets see this server will close or not )

  10. #10
    My account just got banned for some reason

    Are the GM's totally incompetent?

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