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  1. #1

    "Hero Mode" 2 minutes after login...

    Does anyone here has an experience with dead immediatly after login ?
    in case, we need around 1 - 1,5 minutes login (loading login sreen to character) to get full control to the char. May be its oke when you wearing max accesories, max armor set, max weapon/upgrade weapon. But..when u wearing a normal equip, like glacial armor.. u will dead before your char appear on screen
    so annoying u know.. when you login in game and first thing you see is, your char laying down on the floor.. DEAD.

    so... with my opinion, fair if we get "Hero/god mode" (imune for all damage) for 1 or 2 minutes when login for first time.

    #sorry for bad english. hope you got the point. and let the discussion begin
    Last edited by ZeusTeam88; 05-04-2016 at 05:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Try this :

    - Upgrade your PC
    - Upgrade your internet speed
    - Use SSD replace HDD

    No more 1-2 minutes login

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by NoobDealer View Post
    Try this :

    - Upgrade your PC
    - Upgrade your internet speed
    - Use SSD replace HDD

    No more 1-2 minutes login
    its not realy about computer or internet speed my friend. core i5 8GB RAM and Hight speed conection more then enough.
    The point of my post is : FAIR PLAY.
    so unfair for us when we still in login screen (like MsAbella said "... a black screen and it takes awhile to load the game...")
    how "cruel" the condition when we still in blank screen but a lot of mobs was hit us without excuse
    not so funny when we need to running back to ronelia every login this game. although we dc/log off for no reason
    like click the close buttom by accident. its annoying thing too. No warning, no pop up question.. when u click on close buttom, cring.. you are log off
    Give us same option when close the game please.. "Are u sure to close the game ?" or "Back to game soon, OK " or may be "Dont leave me, please sir, im new here (beggar style) LOL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeusTeam88 View Post
    its not realy about computer or internet speed my friend. core i5 8GB RAM and Hight speed conection more then enough.
    The point of my post is : FAIR PLAY.
    so unfair for us when we still in login screen (like MsAbella said "... a black screen and it takes awhile to load the game...")
    how "cruel" the condition when we still in blank screen but a lot of mobs was hit us without excuse
    not so funny when we need to running back to ronelia every login this game. although we dc/log off for no reason
    like click the close buttom by accident. its annoying thing too. No warning, no pop up question.. when u click on close buttom, cring.. you are log off
    Give us same option when close the game please.. "Are u sure to close the game ?" or "Back to game soon, OK " or may be "Dont leave me, please sir, im new here (beggar style) LOL
    Hmm, much as I would like to agree with you (and in some ways I do) the thnigs you are saking for are beyond the technical expertise of the current dev team in Korea. The dev team in Korea are content developers. To understand what followes you need to understand that there are 2 major parts to this game : The client and the server. Each of those parts are built from 2 parts as well - the core runtime and the content.

    The core runtime for both client and server were developed over 8 years ago and the developers hired to create them have long since moved on to other jobs. They are gone. That leaves the content developers. Those are the folks that are not terribly well versed in the core framework code. This can be seen by the poor integration of the Trinity race and the whole concept of "Conqueror levels" (why not up the cap to 165? They really don't know how!). The content devs are not as well familiar with the game engine and frameworks as the original people were. So they are re-learning and trying to hack things in to provide new playability. Don't get me wrong, they are at least trying, but they are not knowledgeable enough in the core frameworks to address the core usability concerns.

    With that background in place, Let's see what is involved with what you want:

    1. Detection of clicking the Window Red X button rather than using Ctrl-Q or clicking the exit in-game button and kicking in the normal 'closedown' functions.
    2. Detection of disconnect which again kicks off the normal closedown functions.
    3. Provide a mode similar to that found in the coliseum where you cannot attack or be attacked for x seconds after initially spawning.

    All of these are low level code changes that require someone that understands the core frameworks. Those folks are not working for other game companies or are moved up in the PlayWith hierarchy that they feel it is not worth their while to modify the basic game semantics. (1) is not too tough, but requires a low level windows developer to hook th4e close window messages. (2) is pretty tough to do. Even major companies have a hard time detecting the loss of session with their host. I know this was a particular PITA for me when I was still working for my last employer and trust me my team was made up with very well experienced developers with a minimum of 8 years experience working in that area.

    The last one requires changes to the GodMind game engine itself at the server end and in the client framework to detect the 'invulnerable' state. At present I know of few MMORPG games that provide this state when entering the game. I know none of the game I frequent do not.

    So what do you do about it? Well getting DC'ed when you are in a place like ronelia sucks because you have a hella long walk from Mangrove to get there. Be sure to set your portal near wherever you are going to spend any amount of time grinding/farming/pvping. If you do end up getting DCed (for whatever reason) and die when spawned, don't just close the damn game. Wait until the game respawns you at your last selected portal then you can do anything you want.

    I know that sucks, but trust me when I say there no financial benefit for PlayWith to chase this particular white rabbit because:

    A) They would have to hire someone at big $$$ to fix the frameworks for (1) and (2).
    B) They would have to find some of the original GeoMind developers to fix (3). As you can see from their updates so far, they are not particularly interested in tracking down the original core development team members.
    C) These guys do NOTHING that does not have some tangible way associated with it to make more money.


    SSDs are pointless in Rohan for sure. Spend that money on some Rohan upgraded pixels instead
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 05-04-2016 at 01:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    This would be a good idea.

    We used to have something like this in another game I played and it was really handy.

    Most of the time when I log into Rohan I have a black screen and it takes awhile to load the game and sometimes that means death if Im pvping or grinding in alot of op mobs. Really soks haha

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  6. #6
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Your SSD will do jack with rohan.

    Anyway, that same god mode would also mean you cannot attack anyone or anything for the same duration, for obvious reasons. One could argue that even buffing oneself (and especially others), should also not be allowed during that time.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
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    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
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    Bladzijde zoveel omgeslaan, de strepen die ik verdiend heb heb ik veel opgestaan
    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeusTeam88 View Post
    Does anyone here has an experience with dead immediatly after login ?
    in case, we need around 1 - 1,5 minutes login (loading login sreen to character) to get full control to the char. May be its oke when you wearing max accesories, max armor set, max weapon/upgrade weapon. But..when u wearing a normal equip, like glacial armor.. u will dead before your char appear on screen
    so annoying u know.. when you login in game and first thing you see is, your char laying down on the floor.. DEAD.

    so... with my opinion, fair if we get "Hero/god mode" (imune for all damage) for 1 or 2 minutes when login for first time.

    #sorry for bad english. hope you got the point. and let the discussion begin
    This also happens in other games and I think it's a common minor problem.

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