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  1. #1

    [Community Event] Rascal's Fool Day

    Greetings, Pranking Shiltzians!

    Did you know that our ‘Rascal’ Rabbit got its name origins on this quite special day for him? Yesterday, April 3rd, he just played a prank on GM Spyno while he was talking with some Shiltzians in Arus Server.
    Our GM Spyno is actually the calmest and most warming among all GMs, but this was the 5th prank that the Rascal played on him, so Spyno suddenly began to hunt the Rascal Rabbit all around Elim town.

    It may sound as fun, but it has actually become a Rascal Tradition every time this date is near.
    Have you ever pranked a joke on a friend?
    The prank was too far, maybe?
    Did he or she hunt you all day long as revenge?
    How did it all end up?
    Attach any memory you have!

    1x Pink Dairy Cow Costume
    2x Blessed Diamond
    5x Lucky Fruit

    1x Joker Face
    2x Eve’s Link
    3x Auto Hunting Potion GX1 [Untradeable]

    ✉️ The event goes from April 4th — 16th.
    ✉️ Rewards will be delivered up to April, 17th.

    Let’s Joke, Seal!
    Seal B.O.D Team^^

  2. #2
    when i was still in high school, i threw my friend's shoes over the school building, until next day he came from back, and hit my head by mop. but we still close friend till now

    IGN : Wosp
    Server : Duran

  3. #3
    Once on April Fool's Day, I played a prank on my friend. When he came back from his office break, I offered him a Sprite, but I had already replaced the drink in the bottle with vinegar, and I also prepared some saltwater. So on that day, when he was thirsty, he drank the Sprite I offered and was shocked by the taste. Then his colleagues in the office laughed at him. After that, I offered him saltwater, and he was shocked again. Finally, I offered him plain water, but he refused and asked me to drink it first. Since that day, I have been declining food and drinks from him because I am afraid of getting pranked in return. Our relationship turned sour of course. But we still friend till this day

    Ign : Akiacraft
    Server : Duran

  4. #4
    one day I pretend that my finger is hurt and I ask my GF to have a look and pull my finger. When she pull my finger, I passing gas (fa*t) and we both laugh.
    but she laugh so hard until she also passing gas on me ._. LMAO

    IGN : Donkdonk
    Server : Duran

  5. #5
    One day during my university days. I'm on walking as usual, head to the class as usual and so on.

    And there my buddy who wasn't paying attention at his phone. So I took his phone away like nothing happened.

    Then he tried to find his phone and I only plays on my switch while pretending not to look at him while at the same time, I passed his phone to my other classmate.

    After that, they keep passing each other until it reaches me just to let him see it.

    "Tehopenk, what the **** are you doing?" Him

    And I said "That's mine bro."

    Guess what? I got punched by him while my friends were sending birthday cake as a sign of birthday since we are doing birthday pranks to him. He legit apologized at nosebleed me and apologized to others over the ruckus.

    And we ended up taking picture which later when we found it back, they laughed so hard when they saw me sticking a small amount of rolled-up tissue to my nose at the picture while trying to wipe my face whereas my face was looking like a zany emoticon face at that time.

    IGN: Tehopenk
    Server: Duran

  6. #6
    the newst prank i've done is 4 days ago, at my friend wedding (lets call him iman), i told my other friend (call him sugeng) to come up with soccer uniform, because we want to joke on the iman wedding..
    when sugeng has agreed with that, I asked him to go iman house at 7pm, long story short. sugeng angry when he saw us using formal uniform but only he was wearing a soccer uniform in front of other audience..
    and at the event, sugeng as being sugeng, he don't care about uniform, he makes us and all off audience laugh with his act..

    IGN : Maslanang
    Server : Duran

  7. #7
    One year when I was in middle school, April Fool’s fell on a Friday. Ian, my 11-year-old brother, had the day off for parent-teacher conferences at his elementary school. (Sadly, I still had class.) While eating breakfast, my dad asked if I’d be up for messing with Ian. I answered yes—as would any older sister in her right mind. To execute our prank, we typed up a fake letter announcing that conferences had been cancelled due to “low attendance” and classes were back on. It was a flimsy excuse, but we banked on my brother being too groggy to notice. My dad woke him up, crumpled letter in hand, claiming he’d found it in my brother’s backpack. Ian was confused, but Dad moved quickly, pulling clothes out of my brother’s dresser and telling him to get ready. Bleary-eyed, Ian ambled down the stairs minutes later, and Dad ushered him to the car.

    We only got a couple of blocks before Dad, way too pleased with himself, burst out laughing and yelled, “April Fool’s!” Ian was mad that we’d ruined his chance to sleep in. The joke was ultimately on me, though: I still had to go to class

    IGN: Karamitsuku
    Server : Duran

  8. #8
    When I was 24, my then-girlfriend and I threw a Halloween party. The holiday fell on a Wednesday, though, so only 10 people showed. Sitting around, we heard a knock on the door. I was initially excited, thinking more guests had arrived, but my enthusiasm faded when I saw who—or what—was there: a stranger wearing hockey gear and a monkey mask.

    “Who’s this?” I asked. There was no answer, just a bunch of grunts as the creature ventured inside. Each time we asked the simian Sidney Crosby to identify itself, it simply jumped around making monkey sounds. After 20 minutes, the ape placed a plastic bag of candy and an unsealed bottle of vodka on our table. As the room debated whether or not the liquor was safe to drink, the interloper slowly peeled off its mask. It was my mom.

    “Are you nuts?” I yelled. But she seemed unfazed.

    “I thought you’d know it was me,” she said. With that, she told us to enjoy the treats and lumbered back to her car, still wearing my dad’s hockey equipment

    IGN : Univenus
    Server: Duran

  9. #9
    Back in high school, a girl professed her love for me but it was just an April Fool's prank. I forgot that the month had changed. ��

    IGN: Dajjaltobat
    Swrver: Arus

  10. #10
    One day I was pretended to be angry and asked to break up with my girlfriend. She was cried all day and begged me. I cant hid my laugh then she realized it. Suddenly she stop crying, smile and slapped me

    IGN : Zkdlinn
    Server : Duran

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