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Thread: What next

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  1. #1

    What next

    Gm would like to ask what next after this class balance, is their another class update again, or another skill will be added in our Hero skill or Another ultimate skill, or new class or new weapon, armor, or new system what ever is it please gives us a hint to the future of game so we player will keep investing in your game.

  2. #2
    Conscript Jester999's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Century Link Field
    Just do another upg sale for those who be like:
    "Wait Dragon Knight looks awesome now but im doomed since nobody would trade an upg zhen for my upg bow???"

    Since every class got their update just pop another sale so every1 is free to play whatever class he prefers now
    (make those "new" Jainus players happy aswell :3 )
    Oh and PW gets their money $$$

    (i) Made Str Dhan great again
    - retired on Isen -


    I've been here killing it
    Longer than you've been alive, you idiot

  3. #3


    This game seems to be running a little light on players the last couple years.

    Another member here made a comment that would make a lot of sense to attract new players and encourage those players to level...

    Introduce growth equipment locked to the character upon equipping (if they sell the character it has to be removed and deleted). Such a thing exists - it is called bound items. These can either be purchased in the IM in packages or gifted as start items upon character creation handled similar to the starter package in Isen. I would suggest 2 sets of weapons and armor per character:

    Characters 50-90 mid stat armor and class-specific weapon (ideally it would "grow" with the character like the arrendal does) - obviously Trinity already has such a weapon and doesn't need it.
    Characters 100-115 (non conqueror) mid stat armor and class-specific weapon.

    I would suggest that once the upper level of the weapon is reached to make it un-equipable after that level.

    The idea is to give players a fighting chance to level their characters to the point where they can start climbing the conqueror ladder. The November log in event is also a good way to get the exp to level quicker for the noobies/new character rolls.

    Some of the ideas here would require some coding work to make it happen. But the changes shouldn't be too onerous (possibly a new structure member called maxEquipLvl to accommodate upper equipment level enforcement. Of course you may want to allow reinforcement of these weapons & armor.

    These ideas would make Rohan a bit more attractive to those thinking of coming here for the 1st time or re-starting rohan after a long absence which of course equates into some cash generation for PlayWith in case there is a cost/benefit analysis to be done. The various events gifting exp pouches do help to attract those who would otherwise simply lurk in the forums (yeah I actually logged 3 of my accounts to take advantage of the November login event )

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sourcerer View Post
    This game seems to be running a little light on players the last couple years.

    Another member here made a comment that would make a lot of sense to attract new players and encourage those players to level...

    Introduce growth equipment locked to the character upon equipping (if they sell the character it has to be removed and deleted). Such a thing exists - it is called bound items. These can either be purchased in the IM in packages or gifted as start items upon character creation handled similar to the starter package in Isen. I would suggest 2 sets of weapons and armor per character:

    Characters 50-90 mid stat armor and class-specific weapon (ideally it would "grow" with the character like the arrendal does) - obviously Trinity already has such a weapon and doesn't need it.
    Characters 100-115 (non conqueror) mid stat armor and class-specific weapon.

    I would suggest that once the upper level of the weapon is reached to make it un-equipable after that level.

    The idea is to give players a fighting chance to level their characters to the point where they can start climbing the conqueror ladder. The November log in event is also a good way to get the exp to level quicker for the noobies/new character rolls.

    Some of the ideas here would require some coding work to make it happen. But the changes shouldn't be too onerous (possibly a new structure member called maxEquipLvl to accommodate upper equipment level enforcement. Of course you may want to allow reinforcement of these weapons & armor.

    These ideas would make Rohan a bit more attractive to those thinking of coming here for the 1st time or re-starting rohan after a long absence which of course equates into some cash generation for PlayWith in case there is a cost/benefit analysis to be done. The various events gifting exp pouches do help to attract those who would otherwise simply lurk in the forums (yeah I actually logged 3 of my accounts to take advantage of the November login event )
    Good idea, but you know GM's are so lazy everyone in games know that so Good luck

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