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  1. #1

    Ran-Jin melee mag rang scrolls

    Well, thanks for put them back at IM, but, why are you increasing the price every time u put them back, are u serious? firt 169 ec then 269 and now almost 400 ecash?

    GG lol
    Last edited by chupachupss; 08-29-2014 at 08:02 PM.

  2. #2
    It is a business. They want you to spend more money buying RPS. You won't do that while you have lots of ecash. So stuff costs 2-3x as much ecash as it does RPs.

    I didn't agree with this blatant money grabbing scheme so I no longer play here.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca

  3. #3
    so remove tax from EM ... If all stuff on IM is 2-4times more expensive than if u buy it by RP

  4. #4
    They won't do that. They want you to use up your ecash fast so you spend money to buy RPs.
    They really don't care that you don't like how much things cost in ecash as long as you use it up and buy their RPs.
    PWi makes money when you buy RPs. They don't make money when you buy things with ecash because you do not spend real money to get ecash.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GodsRage View Post
    They won't do that. They want you to use up your ecash fast so you spend money to buy RPs.
    They really don't care that you don't like how much things cost in ecash as long as you use it up and buy their RPs.
    PWi makes money when you buy RPs. They don't make money when you buy things with ecash because you do not spend real money to get ecash.
    That's not true. How do you get ecash? Someone had to charge rps. Does it matter if player x charges rps and buys something from player y, then play y buys stuff in the IM, or if player x just charges rps and spends them in the IM? Either way they just made cash for selling pixels.

    All they are doing with their money grubbing is chasing players away from the investment, I mean game, with their ridiculous prices and fail rates. They pretty much kill farming and the player based economy in favor of just making everything more expensive. Look around, games dead...its not working. One of my favorite things about this game when I started playing was the insane amount of buying/selling/trading that went on both in game and on the EM between players...they completely killed that with greed. Oh boo hoo...a handful of people who play too much farmed a stockpile of rps, we better kill the player based economy to prevent that because that is somehow good for the game.

  6. #6
    RPs and ecash used to be the same -- RPs. They are are now separate things in this game. You can't buy ecash for RM unless you do it outside of PWi's systems.

    If you use RPs to buy something on EM and turn around and sell that something for ecash, it is still ecash and PWi wants to see it gone fast. They don't make money from ecash.

    The only way they make money is when you buy RPs. There is no other way they make money from their players. To PWi if you are not buying RPs, they are not making money. All stop.

    I would state here that PWi should not charge a commission to EM sales if purchases are made with RPs. As I no longer play here I can't say if the do or not, but I would bet they are still charging 10% commission for purchases made with RPs. That is not fair now that they have a that separate ecash currency.

    I agree with you that the money grubbing tactics is driving players away and eventually this game will have no choice but to close. Sad to see that happen but everyone has that line in the sand that when crossed they say "FU" and walk away.
    Last edited by GodsRage; 08-30-2014 at 08:47 AM.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    EliteGamers - http://www.elitegamers.ca

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GodsRage View Post
    The only way they make money is when you buy RPs. There is no other way they make money from their players. To PWi if you are not buying RPs, they are not making money. All stop.
    All my ecash is is rps somebody else paid for...they still made money on it. It doesn't matter one bit if I'm charging rps to buy something from you over the EM and you spend them in the IM or if I'm charging rps to straight up spend in the IM. So you don't charge any money...but guess what, had I not charged money to buy something from you I'd probably just not have charged it.

    In my opinion, one of the major factors that lead to the decline of the game was they killed farming by 1. making farmed items suck vs cash shop items and making rates suck and 2. splitting ecash from rps. They demolished the player driven economy from the top up and the bottom down at the same time.

    At the same time they killed farming they made in game rates on everything SUCK and charge outrageous prices on the IM. You can literally charge 50 bucks worth of rps on Jin and not even be able to forge your weapon. This is the only game I've ever played where you could literally spend 50 bucks and get NOTHING for it. Its not that I'm too cheap or broke to spend any money on games, its just they killed the player driven economy, which was one of my favorite parts of the game, and the amount of money you need to be decent is a joke. If I could spend 50 bucks and get more then fail forge/reinforce attempts and stupid temporary items I wouldn't mind. The real problem for the bottom line of the games finances isn't that they chased off the free players and the farmers with their changes, its that they chased off all the casual spenders as well. The people who are only going to spend maybe 10 or 20 bucks a month aren't bothering because that money doesn't get them anywhere, and well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see if you have to spend waaaay more then that to be good, you might as well go play a subscription based game where you don't have to worry about pay to win.

    But w/e, it is what it is, Isen is crashing and burning as more people realize its broken just like Jin because nobody could be bothered to do any skill balancing. The crone based economy is a flop for anyone who couldn't see that coming a mile away. Nobody in charge is interested in fixing any of the games issues, they're just enjoying milking the cash cow a little longer before they pull the plug.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Gadwin83 View Post
    All my ecash is is rps somebody else paid for...they still made money on it. It doesn't matter one bit if I'm charging rps to buy something from you over the EM and you spend them in the IM or if I'm charging rps to straight up spend in the IM. So you don't charge any money...but guess what, had I not charged money to buy something from you I'd probably just not have charged it.
    And that is the key. Once you bought your RPs, These guys really don't care what you do with them as long as you spent them. If you converted it to second-hand ecash via EM, they want it to go away fast. The way they see it with the re-unified IM, if you can buy what you need with ecash, you don't need to pay for their RPs.

    Back around the time I left for good they opened up a 'premium' mall that stocked all the best stuff (like ASES & Dungeon mounts) only for those that spent money on RPs. If you didn't buy RPs you couldn't get that stuff. You couldn't get any of that stuff in the regular IM (I didn't hang around to see if they still did ases & dung mount IM events). Now they let you buy that the needful stuff with ecash, but you pay thru the nose for it at criminal-level rates. A lot of people left because of that. I can see a lot more leaving before the dust settles from the latest game 'enhancements'. From what I can see in these forums a lot of people are not very pleased with Isen and for many of those Isen was to be the last chance for this game.
    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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