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  1. #1

    Delete Anti Crit Scroll in game.

    I Cant understand why GM need to create a Crit scroll, are Crit scroll really good against dhan ? lol The crit scroll cant help at all when you encounter a dhan, infact the crit scroll make other class nerf when it come to pvp why ? look some class like Templar, Guard and DK, they crit are only low compare ofc dhan main damage is crit +invenom and now they add melee on its katar mastery (Stupid GM) while other class like Temp depends on there melee, Guard melee and attack speed.,for DK HP but still all of this class are nothing compare to dhan because dhan classs is to OP. example when you are Temp and you pop Up a critscroll and u fight a Dhan. predator with same gear as you im sure 100% u still going to be **** up, why because dhan 50% invenom depend on its crit some dhan make a crit like 70-100k and its not just a one crit they crit 5 in a row sample dhan hide and crit u of 100k but because u have a anti crit scroll the invenom the only damage that will penetrate you so 100k divide by 50% u get a damage from dhan of 50k, and not only 1 crit because some dhan have a 3.0 katar which give them 32% crit rate+crit stone 18% and guarder crit 10% and there passive skill on assasin10% katar mastery level7 8% they get a total of 78% crit + the 5% crit that give to all class so a total of 83% crit rate on dhan im sure with this crit rate dhan can give a total of 6 to 10crit rate in line if dhan crit you with 6 crit this is will be the damage output 50k *6 = that will be equivalent to 300k damage, in just short time dhan can give a damage outoutput like that thats only the invenom not include the pure raw crit and there normal damage which is 10k to 12, and they have a healing trap 20% of your max hp heal in 3 seconds so that is 6.7% of HP heal per second, and u temp can only hit him with damage like 30 -40k pure damage and temp hit to slow and the dhan have Anti crit scroll so ur damage output on him is not that good at all because temp crit will help a lot in pvp, specially against pred but since there is a anti crit scroll that if u think deep is not help against for dhan. every class is **** up now. my point here is to delete anti crit scroll it slightly help u so u cant get a pure crit from dhan, but it also make your crit useless which is **** up your pvp.

  2. #2
    intresting, very intresting.

    I don't follow the meta, I create it.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    intresting, very intresting.

    yeah nope because anti crit scroll is very usefull in farm , like abyss map and mirror dungeon

  4. #4
    Yes they should delete crit immunity technique and remove the crit rate increase from katar mastery which is not needed especially considering thats the ONLY reason people are going predator instead of avenger. Its not really a crit chance if its 80% crit rate its more like un-crit chance badumtiss.

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