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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    somewhere in this big world :)

    Need a lil help :)

    Hello, I have some issue about crafting accessory's. I mean I have a character on wich I had many blueprints registered ( grade D, C, B & A and for enhancements stones), now seems like all my bp has been vanish. I know there was a thread a few months ago about this issue, at that time I havent payed so much atention, was to busy to level another character, and to lazy to gather :P. Now I want it to make me some crafts rings and I can't anymore because those bps are gone .( my ranger has skilllevel 25 at accesory job, and spend to much to get some of those bps) Can anyone tell me how to fix that? I would appreciate it . Thank-you, in advance!
    P.S. Sorry for my english, not my first language .

  2. #2
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I saw these kind of threads in General Discussion section, maybe you should post there as more people check it and some had same issue.

    Until you get a decent reply around here you can send a ticket and ask GMs to help you. :/

  3. #3
    Serf SailAway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    my monkey pocket :D
    Quote Originally Posted by LadyIntegra666 View Post
    I saw these kind of threads in General Discussion section, maybe you should post there as more people check it and some had same issue.

    Until you get a decent reply around here you can send a ticket and ask GMs to help you. :/
    Oh, thank-you, for answering to me . I did send tickets already and they didn't answer to me yet with a good response...still investigate..pff

  4. #4
    Knight LadyIntegra666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    That's YNK for you xD

    That is why I said to post it in general discussion, you will get a reply from players faster than GMs. Gl

  5. #5
    Most BP's can be purchased at the craft studio. Sending a ticket is you best bet as BP' were wiped on a previous maintenance with the introduction of Sage weapons/armor. If they will not restore them, I can suggest is that you re-farm the missing BP's.

    ~┤HellHunter - Ranger (Jin)├~
    ~┤Mystery Character surpassing HH (Jin)├~
    Quote Originally Posted by kiosk05 View Post
    Having me around is exciting! It's pretty much the most fun you can have with your clothes on. =p
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  6. #6
    Serf SailAway's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    my monkey pocket :D
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHellHunter View Post
    Most BP's can be purchased at the craft studio. Sending a ticket is you best bet as BP' were wiped on a previous maintenance with the introduction of Sage weapons/armor. If they will not restore them, I can suggest is that you re-farm the missing BP's.
    I have send a few tickets so far...And I wont re-farm, re-buy or what ever you sugest....I have lost my time once (idiot me ), and my money, because some of grade B and A I have bought from EM, with my real money ( again idiot me ). And is true I don't have any prooves that I had those bps on my character, but now realy? Do you think I will make every minutes screen shots about how I play ? And I don't know what updates they did, but isn't players fault that they have been lost some files or what ever happend...and now I have to pay for theyr mistakes? Yup I'm pissed off at this moment, oh well I think is time to quite at this game, after 5 years .

  7. #7
    Most BP's - including grade B I believe - are available for purchase from an NPC in the craft studio.
    That value on BP's has since diminished greatly and should be inexpensive purchases. I'm sorry I can't help you further, though :\

    ~┤HellHunter - Ranger (Jin)├~
    ~┤Mystery Character surpassing HH (Jin)├~
    Quote Originally Posted by kiosk05 View Post
    Having me around is exciting! It's pretty much the most fun you can have with your clothes on. =p
    Have a problem? Look no further

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