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  1. #1

    Obsolete Glacial Upgrades?


    Recently PlayWith Interactive, in a nod to player requests decided to sell upgraded weapons again in their Item Mall.

    However it was quickly found out that the items being sold do not have the same attributes as those sold previously only a few short months ago. The player base here, especially those that have purchased the previous iterations of upgraded glacial weapons, are furious that they have paid $100 US and more for weapons that are apparently made obsolete in less than a year.

    There have been several 'complaint' threads raised. It is hard for playwith interactive (pwi) staff to respond to them all. SAo I decided to create a thread here to help both pwi and the players here analyze this issue and get some of the burning questions answered in a single place.

    Questions for PlayWith Interactive:

    Why did PWI decide to do this? What is the reasoning behind it? Did PWI foresee the possible negative effects of this before committing to this plan?

    What does PWI intend to do to compensate those that purchased the previous iterations of these upgraded weapons? Anything at All? If yes, can we expect to see details in the near future?

    Questions for Players:

    In light of this do you see your upgraded glacial weapons as obsolete? Why?

    Do you still see value in the previous iteration upgraded glacial weapon you purchased?

    If PlayWith Interactive does nothing about compensating you, what are you prepared to do about it? Will you continue to play their game?

    If you do not currently have an upgraded glacial weapon, do you see value in the older iteration of them? Why?

    Does this affect your enjoyment of this game in any way? If so, how?
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  2. #2
    players are upset and sick about this type of issues, this is the first game i saw that they never listened how players feel, the first game that they want to shut up and delete our questions and threads, the first game that a lot of people quit and they dont care to get players back, they resolve all issues banning and banning..... anyhowmy question is,................ do the owner or whi is in charge in this game know how many people quit?..... otherwise I noticed when too much people quit this game they make the LOG in event to supply all the fee of many people quit so the little few whos playing or log in they dual and triple log and this way they can disguise that this game is not dying -________-
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  3. #3
    i dont see the difference not that I looked at it for a long time but srsly looks like a cash grab since this game is dead as ****.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    i dont see the difference not that I looked at it for a long time but srsly looks like a cash grab since this game is dead as ****.
    upg glacial 2.0
    Glacial Split Club

    Strength: 110
    Intelligence: 43
    Vitality: 110
    Attack Speed: 50
    Critical Rate: 12
    Health: 110
    Mana: 60
    Melee Attack: 70
    Damage Drop: 70
    Boost in Melee(Reinforced): 11

    VS upg glacial 3.0 (and its a serpent!!!)

    Serpent Split Club

    Strength: 160
    Vitality: 240
    Attack Speed: 20
    Critical Rate: 4
    Health: 130
    Mana: 12
    Melee Attack: 74
    Damage Drop: 67

    see any difference?????? cuz im not blind
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  5. #5
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    No where
    Quote Originally Posted by brujohechizero View Post
    upg glacial 2.0
    Glacial Split Club

    Strength: 110
    Intelligence: 43
    Vitality: 110
    Attack Speed: 50
    Critical Rate: 12
    Health: 110
    Mana: 60
    Melee Attack: 70
    Damage Drop: 70
    Boost in Melee(Reinforced): 11

    VS upg glacial 3.0 (and its a serpent!!!)

    Serpent Split Club

    Strength: 160
    Vitality: 240
    Attack Speed: 20
    Critical Rate: 4
    Health: 130
    Mana: 12
    Melee Attack: 74
    Damage Drop: 67

    see any difference?????? cuz im not blind
    He prob too busy to actually care so he didnt sat down and looked at all the stats carefully.

    Here is a post i did last night with all the stats if someone has any doubts.

    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    Dagger - STR 140, DEX 180, VIT 40, Atk Spd 44%, Crit 8%, HP 110%, Mp 12%, Melee atk 74%, DD 8%

    Mace - STR 160, VIT 240, Atk Spd 20%, Crit 4%, HP 130%, Mp 12%, Melee atk 74%, DD 14%

    Club - INT 200, PSY 160, Atk Spd 40%, Crit 12%, HP 120%, MP 40%, Magic Atk 80%, DD 8%

    Sword - STR 200, DEX 200, Atk Spd 40%, Crit 8%, HP 120%, MP 12%, Melee atk 76%, DD 8%

    Staff - INT 180, PSY 180, VIT 140, Atk Spd 48%, Crit 12%, HP 120%, Mana 90%, Magic Atk 90%, DD 12%

    Katar - STR 120, AGI 240, VIT 120, Atk Spd 40%, Crit 24%, HP 100%, Mana 12%, Melee Atk 74%, DD 8%

    Bow - DEX 240, VIT 120, Atk Spd 60%, Weap Atk 80%, Crit 12%, HP 110%, Mana 12%, Ranged Atk 90%, DD 8%

    xBow - Dex 280, VIT 120, Critical 12%, Weapon Attack 90%, Attack Speed 40%, Health 100%, Mana 12%, Ranged Attack 94%, Damage Drop 8%

    Zhen - STR 120, VIT 240, Critical 4%, Health 130%, Mana 12%, Damage Drop 4%

    "Magic" Zhen - STR 120, INT 120, DEX 120, Attack Speed 40%, Critical 12%, Health 80%, Mana 12%, Melee Attack 80%, Damage Drop 8%

    Dual Sowrd - STR 120, DEX 170, VIT 160, Weapon Attack 32%, Attack Speed 40%, Critical 12%, Health 120%, Mana 12%, Melee Attack 90% Damage Drop 12%

    Polearm - STR 180, DEX 180, VIT 140, Weapon Attack 32%, Attack Speed 40%, Critical 12%, Health 110%, Mana 12%, Melee Attack 90%, Damage Drop 12%
    Last edited by RBNXD; 07-11-2015 at 11:27 AM.
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by brujohechizero View Post
    upg glacial 2.0
    Glacial Split Club

    Strength: 110
    Intelligence: 43
    Vitality: 110
    Attack Speed: 50
    Critical Rate: 12
    Health: 110
    Mana: 60
    Melee Attack: 70
    Damage Drop: 70
    Boost in Melee(Reinforced): 11

    VS upg glacial 3.0 (and its a serpent!!!)

    Serpent Split Club

    Strength: 160
    Vitality: 240
    Attack Speed: 20
    Critical Rate: 4
    Health: 130
    Mana: 12
    Melee Attack: 74
    Damage Drop: 67

    see any difference?????? cuz im not blind
    Easier to see the difference there. Looks like they nerfed some things while buffing other things (sadly without the 50% aspd its not worth getting the new one)

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I don't know why you guys are all shocked over this. Its why I was a strong supporter of keeping farmed/forged weapons the best weapons. At least then you know you are going to get a fair amount of time out of weapons, as new farmed parts are only added when Korea gives us updates. Plus when you do have to upgrade...it just costs time + a few pres stones...not hundreds of dollars. People begged for pay to win weapons, and now they want to cry about them. Wahhh...I wanted pay to win...but not that much! This is going to be the new norm for gearing...they don't have a large player base all spending a little bit of money to forge up their free farmed parts anymore so the small amount of players left are going to be expected to puke out some big bucks to keep the machine running. Up next...don't be surprised to see upgrade rings 2.0.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Gank83 View Post
    I don't know why you guys are all shocked over this. Its why I was a strong supporter of keeping farmed/forged weapons the best weapons. At least then you know you are going to get a fair amount of time out of weapons, as new farmed parts are only added when Korea gives us updates. Plus when you do have to upgrade...it just costs time + a few pres stones...not hundreds of dollars. People begged for pay to win weapons, and now they want to cry about them. Wahhh...I wanted pay to win...but not that much! This is going to be the new norm for gearing...they don't have a large player base all spending a little bit of money to forge up their free farmed parts anymore so the small amount of players left are going to be expected to puke out some big bucks to keep the machine running. Up next...don't be surprised to see upgrade rings 2.0.

    I wanted the farmed / forged weapons to be the best also because you can either
    1. Spend money and buy the item from another player on EM which still required buying rps
    2. Make a farming character and spend more time playing the game and make a custom item for your build only which would also bring in rps
    Instead 2 being a option though its either spend a lot of money and buy from item mall or spend even more money and buy from exchange market either way gotta spend money so idk how it can be listed under F2P

    If they ever did do a old 99 cap server with no upgrades no upgrading boss drops which I know they never will do even though THOUSANDS of ex players want it they would see how a mmorpg is suppost to look like.
    The game enhancements did exactly what the name says, It enhanced this player base all the way to a new game.

  9. #9
    Of course I see my old weapon obsolete because even with cars, shoes or any items in real life companies always wait with new models to make people feel they got the value for the money.

    What really bothers me that PWI behaves as if they manufactured a full warehouse of real new weapons so they can do nothing about it. They behave as if they sell real products but later when you have some issue with them, they inform you that according to TOS rules nothing is yours here, they can ban and block as they please and you have no legal right to get any kind of compensation.
    So wake up please, read TOS rules and discover they can say „end of game“ in any moment without any explanation and any compensation.
    Last edited by Galactica; 07-11-2015 at 11:50 PM. Reason: Change of opinion

  10. #10
    In light of this do you see your upgraded glacial weapons as obsolete? Why? Some of the glacial upgrades I have are better than new ones (imo), therefore those are not obsolete as such. One of the glacial upgrades I have (staff) is inferior to its newer version; it is not obsolete, but the difference is significant enough to disappoint me. I refuse to buy the new version because there is no guarantee a 3rd set of glacial upgrades or something similar won't show up.

    Do you still see value in the previous iteration upgraded glacial weapon you purchased? Seems pretty much the same as question 1 to me.

    If PlayWith Interactive does nothing about compensating you, what are you prepared to do about it? Will you continue to play their game? Currently I am not actively playing; logging in every few days to see if someone is selling something interesting. I don't even participate in events because their rewards suck big time (they're nothing compared to old events). I shall wait until the supremacy of a few selected OP classes is fixed first, and then see if they have done something about the upgrade problem.

    If you do not currently have an upgraded glacial weapon, do you see value in the older iteration of them? Why? I do not have upgrade glacial sword, and I am not buying the newer one because the older version was better. +6% melee att, some HP and stats cannot make up for the loss of 8% dd, 10% attack speed and 4% crit, because the melee attack modifier is already at ~300% and another 6% makes little difference compared to what I'd have with "old new" glacial upgrade sword.

    Does this affect your enjoyment of this game in any way? If so, how? I cannot expect the game to be exactly enjoyable if in PvP the dps classes I play are so much inferior to the few ridiculously OP classes, and the PvE aspect is non-existent. Assuming that got fixed, the new vs old-new upgrade problem would still persist - I cannot get a sword because it has been discontinued, and my glacial upg staff is not good enough compared to new version; that puts me off.

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