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  1. #1

    How should I deal with a liar in game?

    I learned today that someone is spreading a rumor on the server that I am scamming people.

    I find that hard to believe since I have not traded for, or offered to buy, or asked ANYONE for ANYTHING since June started. How can you scam ppl if you buy items off the Exchange or Item malls?

    Furthermore, I have been actively gearing my guild, sometimes with real money to buy rps, so I do not appreciate it when D-bags lie about me. I have already given several sets of rings and other accessories to many players, stuff that I BOUGHT off the exchange.

    I have sent a ticket to GMs with all the information I have. Is there anything you guys can suggest? There is only one player I had trouble with since I returned and I already blocked that individual.

    I'm not sure what the TOS for Rohan are, so I do not want to list the name I was given b4 the ticket is answered. But I wanted to ask in the forum about this because it has never happened to me in game before. The person spreading the rumor has also been banned before, or so I was told.

    One last thing-- If the people in game actually helped other players more than once per month, maybe people would want to join your guild and give you gear and pt with you. That is why my guild is doing so well now.

  2. #2
    Ignore the people who call you things you are not. People spread rumors about people all the time just stop caring :P

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    ^ this ^

    Tales like that are only hurtful if they are true. Thing is this is an online game where the people running it don't care about things like libel or slander as long as it is not affecting their bottom line $$$.
    The best you can do is ignore it and if it comes to the point where you are being financially harmed by it you can contact your lawyer to enter proceedings against PlayWith Interactive holding them libel for allowing that financial damage to happen on their systems.

  4. #4
    I mean let them spread rumors about you scamming people tell those fools to bring it on when the GM checks your account you are clean so dont worry.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  5. #5
    I know this don't belong here seems cant post any were else ive played ynk since beta quit last 3 yrs was hoping come back forgot all my acc so have start fresh whinch no big deal wat server woruth playing now out of the 3 is ynk still active or is dieing mmo wild see it still up running after all these yrs

  6. #6
    People have tried to spread all kind of rumors about me too throughout the years. Honestly it just makes me laugh coz even when I'm offline people still stay busy with me, basically conditioned to fear the name of my toon.

    I've had people try to stalk me for months, spread rumors of pretty much every kind you can imagine. For me it's all fun and giggles, I just kill whoever I want and the people that know me for a longer time know I'm good for it when it comes to doing business. Whatever people say, just laugh it off.

    It's an online game, who gives a f*ck!
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

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  7. #7
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Sadly, this is part and parcel of playing online games. There are tons of toxic people who love to bash on others, talk sh1t and spread lies because they're either stupid, jealous of you, have totally boring lives and create drama for their own dim-witted amusement or are just trouble making c0ck wombles.

    You can simply ignore them and go about your way. You can tell them to provide "proof" of the allegations (and if they can't or won't produce it, then they are clearly bsing) or you can simply play along with them and agree to whatever they say.

    Whichever path you take doesn't really matter in the greater scheme of things because people are always going to talk/ assume/ gossip and play Chinese whispers and you could try to prove your innocence until your blue in the face, but people will always think what they will and believe whatever they want to believe, even if its true or not. What does matter more than anything is that YOU know what you have or haven't done. If your innocent, you get to walk with your head held high, because you and only you know the truth. What everyone else thinks is irrelevant. And if your friends in the game are good friends, they won't believe the bs and will have your back.

    Take it from someone who knows more than most, toughen up. Don't let these toxic idiots ruin your gaming experience for you. I've been the subject of MANY a game of "Chinese whispers" here in Rohan and yea, I used to let all the sh1t get to me and try to defend myself, but I got to a point where I knew there was no use. So then I just start to play along with the try-hard trolls, the bored little twats, the dim-witted gossip mongers.
    If someone would come at me and be like "I heard you did this or that", Id say "yea, I did, so what" and then laugh at the fools for believing me. And I used to even set certain people up, set up scenarios with my friends, sit back, laugh and watch the monkeys go to work at spreading lies and gossip. I mean, they were clearly bored individuals right? I had to provide some entertainment for them eh? And it really did become extremely amusing to see just how far some people will go to rubbish a person.

    Just do you and let the fools wither away into nothingness because they eventually do. Until the next fool comes along. And they will. Games like this tend to drag out the worst of humanity.

    But if your to survive this game and stick around as long as most of us in here, you wear the bs but don't take it to heart and you let it make you a stronger player, mentally.

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    ^ in short: whether true or not, own it and have a good laugh at the result ^

  9. #9
    Thanks for the advice. My main concern was that my account would be locked for a period of weeks and all my items would go to waste since they are timed. If ppl lie, I do not really care or mind, it is just that other players, like Lunas, WERE locked for awhile and I do not want my time wasted wrangling GMs or writing tickets to get items restored. Time is one thing you cannot get back, and I do not like mine being wasted by liars.

    Additionally, when you are in an mmo and are pretending to build an empire or that stuff you do really matters, idiotic things like liars break the immersion. I do not care if ppl say "it's part of the meta" or other foolish things like that. Rohan is not an MLG game. It is a generic, albeit fun, Korean grinder. No one is being freed from a tyrannical ruler or aided in paying their electrical bills when they kill a boss or fight someone for the 100th time with nothing significant coming from it. This, at least for a time, was the least toxic game I have encountered. It is a shame to see it is not what I thought it was.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeonZeek View Post
    Thanks for the advice. My main concern was that my account would be locked for a period of weeks and all my items would go to waste since they are timed. If ppl lie, I do not really care or mind, it is just that other players, like Lunas, WERE locked for awhile and I do not want my time wasted wrangling GMs or writing tickets to get items restored. Time is one thing you cannot get back, and I do not like mine being wasted by liars.

    Additionally, when you are in an mmo and are pretending to build an empire or that stuff you do really matters, idiotic things like liars break the immersion. I do not care if ppl say "it's part of the meta" or other foolish things like that. Rohan is not an MLG game. It is a generic, albeit fun, Korean grinder. No one is being freed from a tyrannical ruler or aided in paying their electrical bills when they kill a boss or fight someone for the 100th time with nothing significant coming from it. This, at least for a time, was the least toxic game I have encountered. It is a shame to see it is not what I thought it was.
    Rohan.... least toxic?!?!?!?!? not from the way I see it.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

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