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  1. #1

    Thumbs down New Generation Rohan Systems:

    This post is going to outline suggestions I have to fix this game to maximize the amount of fun in game while disincentivising the things that kill this game like "superguilds" and too much independence. We are also supporting the merge of Isen and Jainus ofcourse.

    For starters there is a lack of unique guilds in the game. This crumbled under the old boss drop system which saw the formation of what I will call "Superguilds" back when we used to have 6+ parties for ruler or 4 parties with a bunch of solo heroes running around. In krohan and jrohan there were tons of smaller guilds because while rulers were good it wasnt as good as the twin sister aura and the people wanted their piece of the pie especially when it came to TSB.

    In todays rohan we have the remnants of the "superguild" system but with almost total independence. Dont need rulers you just need to buy 4 flame diamonds for 300 rps each and enhance away until you got them chakras. Dont need to contest the high tier farm spots because we have upg weapons, trans opaniel weapons and opaniel armor.

    If we ever want to fix this game we need to start by cutting guild sizes down and I mean that in a mental way. You cant just have smaller guilds but all be playing the same side, you need to be equally as hungry to take those TSB crones away from your enemies as you are from your former friends. You need to be equally as hungry to kill your old friends in the flame god dungeon as you would do your enemies.
    The values that we want in this game are as follows:
    1: Players to network and create small guilds to service their interests.
    2: Players of all types to be able to acquire the bare minimum of gear with relative ease.
    3: Variety on a daily basis, lots of things to do in game alternative farming methods, events, battles etc.

    Part 1: Township Battle Revamp
    1: Make the rewards good enough that you would be stupid not to fight for it.
    2: Force people to split into smaller guilds to get those rewards.
    3: Facilitate an additional way to earn guild points and have fun. (we need to acknowledge that the rohan population is aging and they need a reason to log in to make things simple)

    1: Township battle allowed entrants: 10
    2: Champions Uniform stats updated: 150 all stats 500 attack 10000 HP
    3: Township battle winning guild receives 10x badge of victory for a win, all participants earn 25x power badges
    4: Top 3 killers in winning guild receive 150m crones and 25x extra power badges

    Minor Township Battle Re-Introduced:
    1: Winning guild receives: Champions Crown, 50x power badges, all participants earn 1 badge of victory
    2: Champions Crown Stats: 100 all stats 100 attack 5000 HP
    3: Top 3 killers in winning guild receive 25m crones and 25x power badges
    4: Township battle winner cannot participate in Minor Township Battle
    5: Minor Township battle winner cannot participate in Minor Township Battle for the rest of the week

    Minor TSB time rotates day to day from 30 mins after "morning" PA and 30 minutes before "evening" PA.

    Notice a recurring theme here: Nothing is tradeable except crones.
    Part 2: Equipment Fixes
    Objective: While the new TSB system is cool if you are a weakling its not going to be fun for you. These ideas aim to give every player an opportunity (with a reasonable effort) to earn a baseline pvp equipment that is expandable to be strong enough endgame.

    Equipment Fixes:
    1: Opaniel weapon transcendence now provides 60% health as well as 45% <attack stat>

    2: New spirit stones added to the IM:
    Premium Weapon Stone: Crit (18% crit)
    Premium Weapon Stone: Melee/Magic/Range Attack (50% Melee/Magic/Range attack) *One stone of each type obviously*
    Premium Weapon Stone: Damage Drop (55% DD)

    3: New Spirit Stones added to the Badge Exchange Center:
    Arena Hero's Weapon Stone: Crit (12% crit)
    Arena Hero's Weapon Stone: Damage Drop (45% DD)]
    -IP MALL: Fixed the keena's Collected S-stone (Magic Attack) to 45% magic attack

    4: New earings added to IP mall and new eyeglasses added to badge exchange center (these can be reinforced grade A rules):
    Arena Warrior's Eyepatch: 10 STR/DEX/VIT 10 melee attack
    Arena Mage's Glasses: 10 INT/PSY/VIT 10 magic attack
    Arena Assasin's Monocle: 10 DEX/AGI/VIT 50 health 50 mana
    Arena Warrior's Earings: 10 STR/DEX/VIT 10 melee attack
    Arena Mage's Earings: 10 INT/PSY/VIT 10 magic attack
    Arena Assasin's Earings: 10 DEX/AGI/VIT 50 health 50 mana

    5: New temporary talisman added to NPC: Chero (115+30 required)
    Blazing Blessed Talisman (7 days) - 15 all stats +20% PVE Defense +20% element: Darkness (same as gold trophy and spirit sacks)
    Part 3: Variety added to the game:
    Objectives: Spread people across rohan to farm from many different sources.
    1: New temporary talisman added to NPC: Chero (115+30 required, requires 100 blazing temple relics)
    Blazing Blessed Talisman (7 days) - 15 all stats +20% PVE Defense +20% element: Darkness (same as gold trophy and spirit sacks)

    2: Phoenix Grey and Phoenix Green droptables updated:
    -Added blazing temple relic x 30/60/90
    -Added Sealed Blazing Blessed Talisman (7 days)
    -Added Skill Enhancement Stone
    -Added enhancement abradent to the drop table

    3: Rahkon lvl 5 chests updated:
    -Goddess Offering box rank updated to max the lvl of the map.
    -Shuriel's Empty Treasure Box updated rank to max lvl of the map.
    -Shuriel/Syrephis/Celia's Empty Treasure Box added Badge Fragment
    -Shuriel/Syrephis/Celia's Empty Treasure Box added lvl 1 (10%) scrolls
    -Shuriel/Syrephis/Celia's Empty Treasure Box added 8 hour hunterkits
    -New quest NPC: Break of Wind (115+30 required): Exchange 1000 Shuriel/Celia/Syrephis gold coins for Enlighted protection scroll (10% pvp def)

    4: New items added to the IP mall:
    -Enhancement ticket (Max +8) *500000 IP*
    -Asheeta Spirit Stone V: STR/DEX/VIT/INT/PSY/AGI (7 days) *10000 IP*

    5: Ronelia changes:
    -Devil puma, elizabeth and Hell Demons have a chance to drop enhancement abradent.

    6: Raymond/Ramos/Russel:
    -enhancement abradent added to the drop table.
    With these new changes people are going to be farming flame god dungeon, mirror dungeon, instance zone, r5, rone and blazing temple/kasa/ring/lamp. Places for solo grinding and party play. By spreading the farm opportunities out you let prices increase which will hopefully help sink some of these crones. You also have new currencies: IP, R5 coins and blazing temple relics. Ontop of this people are going to be pvping in PA and tsbs. Maybe we can bring survival arena back too who knows!
    Last edited by sunnyangel; 08-20-2018 at 08:53 PM.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    This post is going to outline suggestions I have to fix this game to maximize the amount of fun in game while disincentivising the things that kill this game like "superguilds" and too much independence. We are also supporting the merge of Isen and Jainus ofcourse.


    The values that we want in this game are as follows:
    1: Players to network and create small guilds to service their interests.
    2: Players of all types to be able to acquire the bare minimum of gear with relative ease.
    3: Variety on a daily basis, lots of things to do in game alternative farming methods, events, battles etc.

    Part 1: Township Battle Revamp
    1: Make the rewards good enough that you would be stupid not to fight for it.
    2: Force people to split into smaller guilds to get those rewards.
    3: Facilitate an additional way to earn guild points and have fun. (we need to acknowledge that the rohan population is aging and they need a reason to log in to make things simple)

    Part 2: Equipment Fixes
    Objective: While the new TSB system is cool if you are a weakling its not going to be fun for you. These ideas aim to give every player an opportunity (with a reasonable effort) to earn a baseline pvp equipment that is expandable to be strong enough endgame.

    Part 3: Variety added to the game:
    Objectives: Spread people across rohan to farm from many different sources.

    With these new changes people are going to be farming flame god dungeon, mirror dungeon, instance zone, r5, rone and blazing temple/kasa/ring/lamp. Places for solo grinding and party play. By spreading the farm opportunities out you let prices increase which will hopefully help sink some of these crones. You also have new currencies: IP, R5 coins and blazing temple relics. Ontop of this people are going to be pvping in PA and tsbs. Maybe we can bring survival arena back too who knows!
    Love these suggest changes, clearly explained and well crafted, wish there were more people who'd write posts like this! I specially like the equipment fixes and variety added to the game would be amazing to see those actually implemented. It would close the power gap between new - veteran players even more but not reduce the power of veteran players (which would enrage them). This is exactly the change that could lift this game up a notch.

    As for the TSB changes. TSB is probably the thing I know least about, It's at 4 or 5AM for me and I never participate in it, I've maybe gone to 10 TSBs in 10 years time since I CBA to wake up that early or stay up that late. The main thing I'd wanna suggest is to MOVE the time for TSB so that it is favourable for both USA and europe.
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

    A taste of the divine

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by shannon11 View Post
    Love these suggest changes, clearly explained and well crafted, wish there were more people who'd write posts like this! I specially like the equipment fixes and variety added to the game would be amazing to see those actually implemented. It would close the power gap between new - veteran players even more but not reduce the power of veteran players (which would enrage them). This is exactly the change that could lift this game up a notch.

    As for the TSB changes. TSB is probably the thing I know least about, It's at 4 or 5AM for me and I never participate in it, I've maybe gone to 10 TSBs in 10 years time since I CBA to wake up that early or stay up that late. The main thing I'd wanna suggest is to MOVE the time for TSB so that it is favourable for both USA and europe.
    Thats why I suggested that minor TSB rotate between "morning PA time" and "evening PA time"

    Another idea that came to my head is to bring back the town split (Ash & Siemech) and have a second major TSB on Sunday for all guilds that earned at least <value to be determined> points. The winner of the Siemech town will not be shown ingame but will collect the 20% cut of the TSB taxes that has already been allocated for (and not removed). This TSB would be in the "morning PA time" aka more friendly for the EU players.

    Might have to make some kind of tier 2 champion's uniform to compensate the winners however like 100 all stats instead of 150.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Let's see if they actually take any of that and put it in the game. Past experience says...... (you know what it says)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Let's see if they actually take any of that and put it in the game. Past experience says...... (you know what it says)
    I do I do, but one can hope......
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

    A taste of the divine

  6. #6
    Iceyyy make this happen and ill have your kids

  7. #7
    can you ask gms also to add a quest for upg weapons in R5 as we are so every noob can use upg~ obviusly most of your suggestions conserning quest and spirit weapons are just ridiculus ,you ask for so much free stuff that even trump and his wealth wont be enought to cover it. Let us look from another point of view ,if this game was meant to be play to win rater then pay to win this stuff will already been there from the begining
    The only thing to fix is that we can add health stones at the same time as attack ones, knowing that opaniel gives more attack power then most upg (except duals , 3.0 staff etc...),so if you want them to add 60% stones it will make upgs almost usless and the % attack power will break the 90% cap and will go above 100-120%,so again every noob can be OP, where is the logic ?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by HunterXGing View Post
    can you ask gms also to add a quest for upg weapons in R5 as we are so every noob can use upg~ obviusly most of your suggestions conserning quest and spirit weapons are just ridiculus ,you ask for so much free stuff that even trump and his wealth wont be enought to cover it. Let us look from another point of view ,if this game was meant to be play to win rater then pay to win this stuff will already been there from the begining
    The only thing to fix is that we can add health stones at the same time as attack ones, knowing that opaniel gives more attack power then most upg (except duals , 3.0 staff etc...),so if you want them to add 60% stones it will make upgs almost usless and the % attack power will break the 90% cap and will go above 100-120%,so again every noob can be OP, where is the logic ?
    I can see where you are coming from.

    My goal was to make the Trans opaniel weapons the "epic 2.0" meaning good for damage weak for survivability.

    I also feel like upg weapons do have their place in this system, its a one time purchase you never have to pop spirit stones (outside of trans stones if you got em) whereas that opaniel weapon is going to need constant upkeep. If predator katar mastery crit rate was removed 3.0 katar still becomes best in slot. A trans opaniel katar has one main advantage over the 3.0 katar that being the stats you can get over 500 agi on a trans opaniel katar depending on your reinforcement lvl and 250 agi stone.

    Having said that I have made some changes as follows:

    1: Opaniel Transcendence Health changed from 100% to 60%
    2: IM attack stone changed to 50%, IM DD stone changed to 55%
    3: Arena warrior's DD stone changed to 45%, Keena's Collected S-Stone (Magic) has been fixed to 45% magic attack
    4: Arena Warrior/Assasin/Mage accessories stats changed from 25 x/y/z to 10 X/Y/Z (a +12 earing would now give 85 X/Y/Z instead of 100)

    Quote Originally Posted by idziebabadolekar View Post
    Iceyyy make this happen and ill have your kids
    Thanks for the generous offer, hopefully the GMs take a look at this.
    Last edited by sunnyangel; 08-20-2018 at 08:54 PM.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
    ROHAN: Game s0x
    Unofficial post count: Whatever it says on the left + 9461

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