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  1. #1

    Suggestion by Ambassador ZygomaticArch

    Dear Rohanian's.
    As an ambassador and a player that is very dedicated and interested into the game, hoping it always grow in a better enviroment and greatest community.

    Here are my suggestion's that in the nearly future will be translate in more languages.

    We will go through every single important arrangment/upgrade/suggestion in order to suggest our dear DEV's and the Director himself what all of us think.

    As a player of this game from the BETA my experience speaks alone, maybe there is someone even more experienced than me, I AT LEAST, have took time and effort that no one
    will pay for my attempt into providing a better future for the PWI company first and 2nd of all to make the experience of the Rohanian's player smoother.

    Let's begin!

    Topic 1) Events.

    The events must be done in a time where no other actions are occuring in the game such as TSB/PA.
    The events rewards need to be changed and upgraded, as most of the players will benefit nothing for participating, the rewards are just slightly too poor, the content
    has begun to be repeatetive and without any reason to participate.

    How to increase this?

    Well simply crone amount need to be increased to at least a significant number, let's say the usual we get at least in superior's so an average of 5 bilion.
    Some ASES for the F2P would also help along some kind of 8hrs or items that cannot be abused by "Multiple accounts farmer"

    2) Events on IG/FB/Discord/Official Forum.

    Sharing and using personal informations for gaining benefits on such small community will lead only to issue's, my suggestion is to move those events in discord where we can
    hide our personal information's.

    Again even on these ones the rewards are slightly insignificant and not useful in anyhow to the progress of any players, people will just play this out of boredom
    (this is not what a gaming company want from their players) To be bored.

    How to increase this? Simple :

    Increase the value of rewards and the awarded players.

    Topic 2) F2P/Event Boxes.

    To help the F2P community which makes the larger scale of the game as any other MMORPG, there are many players that just play the game for fun or etertaining.
    You cannot expect that all of them can afford the immense gap given by the Merged Inventory by ingame, nor anyone expect such.. However removing the ASES from game,
    has drastically reduced the fanbase players, in order to fix this my suggestion is to give this item to the Time Jewel Boxes and as the Event Boxes only rewardable,
    at the level of 115 or above.

    Now you will ask yourself why, let me explain you :

    As you all witness the game is filled with many lowbie's sitting on every map farming Time Jewel Boxes like there is no tomorrow for self interest or crone, this blocks
    the economy of the game further away.

    If you provide this to be awarded only by higher level, that nowadays is very easy to achieve with just god fragments, then we will be able to prevent as players pvping for
    the best farming spots the immense gap these players put to others who cannot afford to play multiple accounts for many reasons that don't need to be told.

    Event Boxes and the reduction of safe enhancement's stones has lead to another decrease of Rohanian Players, to avoid that i suggest to increase once again the item % odd in there.

    Make sure that this event box has also certain item that big spender will requires but that have no effort of doing so that we will provide our RPs, Crone into this.

    Topic 3) Elemental Dungeon's.

    You have done so many changes to this dungeon during all these years but the last hit to F2P again are the current :
    Origins removal and the low % of Boxes into it, remember when game was full of players ready to play this?
    With abyss and not much pvp lately, not many has been doing so, which has frozen further more the economy, no crone, no fights, no rps, because yes we big spenders move around
    500 RPs.
    But we will talk about this further in next topic.

    Topic 4) Donators
    We big donators are the one who along the F2P make the server alive, now what are the issue's in here.

    Let me explain you as the biggest donator in game.

    1A) If you would reduce the cost of the limited duration talismans you would end up having more players donating rather than usual 50 players.
    1B) If you would also reward these donators better, they would be interested into spending further more, nowadays for most 2x rewards are not enough has some players,
    me included tends to spend over 40K RPs per event (Which means every 3 days).
    1C) The RoyalSword and Scratch must be stopped, gamble is not a way to increase the game popularity but to kill it.

    Topic 5) Advertise, advertise please!
    I suggest that as a old game this is, Steam would be interested in applying your client in there, this would allow to increase furthermore the playerbase.
    I also suggest that you would make some important gaming streamers play and recommend the game if they like it, explaining why and IF is worth to play this game still
    in 2023.

    Topic 6) Ambassadors

    As an ambassador i witness that many are just interested by the 8K RPs given.
    How about we make sure that these players do it for the devotion they have to the game and not only for the 8K Rps reward?

    Topic 7) Discord Community Manager

    As discord is crowded with suggestion's of joining private servers, threats and suggestion on how to cheat into the game, i suggest that we select and choose some active
    moderators that can delete in time and take in control the situation without it going too much into personal issues.

    Topic 8) EXP Reduction

    Now, only a few of us has noticed because only a few of us has access to the best spots in game, but how this was not told by any of you guys, we would like to know if there
    is a reason behind it that we are unaware of?

    Topic 9) PvP/PvE Events

    The game requires asap PvP and PvE events that reward players of any kind, it needs to have proper PvP Events based on gears and ULVL's.
    PVE Events that gives the possibility to anyone to join, Minority and Majority guilds.

    Topic 10) Class Balance Patch?

    We wait this for more than 10 months, yet we have no words about it.

    Last but not least, i suggest to reply on the forum or on discord.

    If you have further suggestion's you may send me a personal DM's at : Discord ZygomaticArch#7777

    Stay angry, keep venging Rohanian's!

  2. #2
    Chers et chères Rohanians,
    Comme ambassadeur et joueur vraiment dévoué et intéressé par ce jeu, j’espère qu’il continuera à évoluer dans un meilleur environnement et avec une meilleure communauté possible.

    Voici mes suggestions, qui seront traduites dans plusieurs langues, dans un futur proche

    Nous allons au travers de différents arrangements / améliorations / suggestions, en marge de soulever ces quelques points, envers les développeurs de ce jeu et même au directeur lui-même, de ce que nous pensons pour améliorer les choses.

    Ayant commencé à la BETA, mon expérience parle d’elle-même, peut-être qu’il y a des gens plus expérimentés que moi, MAIS AU MOINS, j’y ai mis le temps et l’effort comme personne ne l’a fait auparavant, de proposer un meilleur futur à PLW, et secundo, que toute la communauté en profite.

    Commençons !
    1.1 Les events
    Les events organisés par les GM ne doivent impérativement pas se faire en même temps que les évènements du jeu (comme la Power Arena et la TSB).
    Les récompenses doivent être changées et améliorées, la plupart des joueurs ne voient pas l’utilité d’y participer, y a pas de gains conséquents, le contenu est répétitif et sans raison d’y stopper son activité en jeu pour y venir.
    Comment y remédier ?
    Très simplement, le montant en crone doit augmenter vers un nombre attrayant l’intérêt, disons, supérieur à 5 billions.
    Quelques ASES pour ceux qui sont F2P (joue gratuitement) peuvent aussi aider, ainsi que des talismans 8 heures ou des objets qui ne peuvent pas être utilisé abusivement par des joueurs avec plusieurs comptes de jeu.
    1.2 Les events sur Insta/FB/Discord/Forum officiel
    Partager et utiliser ses infos personnelles pour gagner des gains et objets, sur une si petite communauté, dégénère trop vite, plus personne ne veut mêler vie privée et jeu.

    Les gains ne sont pas attractifs et utilisables, les joueurs n’y jouent que quand ils s’ennuient (ce n’est pas ce qu’une société de jeu veut, n’est-ce pas ?)

    Comment les améliorer ? Simple :

    De meilleurs gains, et un nombre plus important de gagnants, et les organiser uniquement sur Discord.
    2.1 F2P/Contenu des évènements
    Pour aider la communauté des joueurs qui jouent gratuitement (ou presque), ce qui représente le plus grand nombre d’entre nous comme dans tout MMORPG, il y en a qui joue pour le fun et le divertissement.
    Avoir retiré les ASES du jeu, a fait fuir grand nombre de joueurs, beaucoup d’entre eux ne pouvant se permettre le prix de ceux-ci. Je suggère d’ajouter ceux-ci au Time Jewel Boxes et que les quêtes évènementielles ne soient accessibles qu’à partir de 115 et plus.

    Vous vous demandez pourquoi ? Je vous explique :

    Comme vous pouvez le constater, il y a beaucoup de bas niveaux partout sur toutes les cartes collectant les TJB comme s’il n’y a pas de petits profits.

    Cela éviterait que les gens se battent pour les meilleurs endroits et il est très facile d’atteindre le niveau 115 avec des God Fragment.

    Les Event Boxes doivent aussi contenir plus de Safe Enhancement Stone, la chute en % de gain de ceux-ci à fait quitter le jeu à beaucoup de joueur.

    Mettez aussi plus d’objets de valeur à très haut niveau, cela afin que les gros dépensier font circuler les crones (la monnaie du jeu).
    3.1 Elemental Dungeon
    Vous avez fait beaucoup de changements à ce donjon durant toutes ses années qui ont affecté les joueurs F2P, et pas des moindres :
    le retrait des Origins, vous vous souvenez quand le jeu était plein a craqué ?
    Avec Abyss, et le peu de PvP récemment, peu de choses se passent ce qui a gelé l’économie, pas de crones, pas de batailles, pas de RPs, parce que les gros dépensiers bougent environ 500 RPs.
    4.1 Donateurs
    Les gros donateurs, sont ceux avec qui les F2P, font vivre ce jeu, maintenant voici les problèmes :

    Je vous explique en tant que plus gros donateur de ce jeu :

    4.1.1 Si vous abaissez le prix des talismans limités, vous auriez plus de joueur qui les achèteraient au lieu de juste la cinquantaine habituelle.
    4.1.2 Si vous chouchoutiez un peu mieux vos donateurs, ils seraient plus intéressés à dépenser plus, à ce jour, la double récompense ne suffit pas à compenser la plupart des 40.000 RPs voir plus, par évènements (tous les 3 jours !).
    4.1.3 Royal Sword et Vengeful Scratch doit stopper, le gatcha est mal perçu, vous auriez largement plus de popularité si vous arrêtiez ce type de système.
    5.1 La pub, plus de pub, svp !
    Mettez ce jeu sur des plateformes de jeux (comme Steam).
    Je vous suggère aussi que si vous avez de bons streamers qui jouent et recommandent le jeu, et expliquent pourquoi encore y jouer en 2023 ! Cela attirerait les joueurs.
    6.1 Ambassadeurs
    Comme je suis ambassadeur, je constate que beaucoup sont juste la pour les 8000 RPs gagnés.
    Il en est quoi s’assurer qu’ils le font pour la dévotion qu’ils ont pour le jeu et pas seulement pour la récompense de 8000 RPs ?
    7.1 Discord Community Manager
    Le Discord est envahi de suggestion de joindre des serveurs privés, de harcèlements, de comment tricher en jeu, je suggère d’avoir des modérateurs actifs qui peuvent supprimer ces messages à temps et contrôler la situation avant que cela ne dégénère au plus bas.
    8.1 Réduction de l’EXP
    Maintenant, comme peu d’entre nous ont accès aux meilleurs endroits du jeu, peu l’ont remarqué, mais est ce que quelqu’un peut expliquer la raison de cette baisse d’expérience dont personne n’a encore parlé ?
    9.1 Evènements PvP/PvE
    Ce jeu requière plus d’évènements de ce genre qui récompensent les joueurs de tout type de gameplay, on a besoin de plus de PvP basé sur l’ULVL et l’équipement.
    Et d’évènements PvE qui donnent la possibilité à tous et toutes de s’y joindre, « petites » comme « grosses » guildes.
    10.1 Patch de balance des classes ?
    Ça fait plus 10 mois qu’on attend, sans mots de votre part.

    Si vous avez plus de suggestion, vous pouvez me contacter sur Discord : ZygomaticArch#7777

    Soyez expressif, venez vous venger !

  3. #3
    very nice done zygo. i hope they take time to read this! time for changes

    note(they wont remove the gacha.s in my opinion not the biggest issue)

    biggest issue.. f2p they will leave. after removing r5 ases..and since they even increased the price of 7+3 ases.. and a few more thing.. its not doable for them annymore
    Last edited by OyHanep; 01-26-2023 at 06:17 PM.

  4. #4
    Saran dari Ambassador ZygomaticArch
    Para player REV yang terhormat.
    Sebagai ambassador dan pemain yang sangat berdedikasi dan tertarik dengan game ini, saya berharap game ini selalu tumbuh di lingkungan dan komunitas yang lebih baik.
    Kita bersama, melalui setiap pengubahan/pembaharuan/saran penting akan menyarankan kepada Developer kita yang terkasih dan Direktur REV sendiri terkait apa yang kita semua pikirkan.
    Sebagai pemain game ini dari sejak BETA, pengalaman saya membuktikan, atau mungkin ada seseorang yang bahkan lebih berpengalaman dari saya, SAYA SETIDAKNYA, telah menghabiskan waktu dan usaha yang tidak seorang pun akan membayar upaya saya untuk memberikan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi perusahaan PWI dan juga untuk membuat pengalaman player REV lebih berkesan.

    Mari kita mulai!

    Topik 1) Events.
    Event(s) harus dilakukan pada saat tidak ada event lain yang terjadi dalam game seperti TSB/PA. Hadiah event perlu diubah dan ditingkatkan (value), karena sebagian besar pemain tidak akan mendapat manfaat apa pun ketika berpartisipasi, hadiahnya sedikit terlalu rendah, kontennya sudah sering berulang dan player mulai kehilangan alasan untuk berpartisipasi.
    Bagaimana cara meningkatkan ini?
    Intinya adalah jumlah crone minimal harus dinaikkan menjadi angka yang signifikan, misalkan yang biasa kita dapat minimal dari Superior ED rata-rata 5B crone bisa dijadikan acuan. Beberapa ASES untuk F2P juga akan membantu kondisi saat ini atau item lain yang berdurasi selama 8 jam atau item yang tidak dapat disalahgunakan oleh "Player pemilik akun ganda (multiple)".

    2) Event(s) di IG/FB/Discord/Forum Resmi.
    Berbagi dan menggunakan informasi pribadi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan pada suatu komunitas kecil hanya akan memicu masalah, saran saya adalah memindahkan acara tersebut ke forum Discord (Official REV) di mana kita bisa menyembunyikan informasi pribadi kita.
    Sekali lagi, bahkan pada event seperti ini hadiahnya sedikit, tidak signifikan dan kurang bermanfaat untuk kemajuan pemain mana pun, orang hanya akan memainkan ini karena bosan. Hal Ini bukan yang diinginkan perusahaan game dari para pemainnya, “Menjadi bosan”.
    Bagaimana cara meningkatkan ini? Sederhana :
    Tingkatkan nilai hadiah dan jumlah pemain yang memenangkannya (Awardee).

    Topik 2) Kotak F2P/Event.
    Untuk membantu komunitas F2P yang membuat skala game menjadi lebih besar seperti MMORPG lainnya, ada banyak pemain yang hanya memainkan game untuk bersenang-senang atau mengisi waktu luang.
    Anda tidak dapat berharap bahwa mereka semua mampu membayar sejumlah besar pengeluaran (cash in game) untuk item di merged inventory, atau siapa pun pasti tidak mengharapkannya.. Namun dengan menghapus ASES dari game, telah secara drastis mengurangi jumlah fanbase pemain, untuk memperbaikinya saran saya adalah untuk memberikan item ini ke Time Jewel Box dan karena Event Box juga hanya dapat dihadiahkan pada level 115 atau lebih.

    Sekarang Anda akan bertanya pada diri sendiri “mengapa”, izinkan saya menjelaskan kepada Anda :
    Seperti yang Anda semua saksikan, game ini dipenuhi dengan banyak pemain dengan karakter berlevel rendah yang melakukan spam untuk mendapatkan Time Jewel Box dan dilakukan secara terus menerus. Hal ini membuat kegiatan trading didalam game bergerak sangat lambat (dimana semua player akan melakukan hal yang sama dan itu membosankan).
    Jika Anda memberikan hal ini hanya kepada karakter berlevel yang lebih tinggi, yang saat ini sangat mudah dicapai hanya dengan item God fragment (500b exp pouch), maka player tidak akan melakukan kompetisi/bersaing (PVP) untuk mendapatkan spot PVE terbaik, kesenjangan besar pun akan terjadi terhadap player lain yang tidak mampu memainkan banyak akun karena berbagai alasan yang tidak perlu diberitahukan.

    Event Box dan pengurangan %rate untuk mendapatkan Safe Enhancement Stone telah menyebabkan penurunan minat dari para player REV, untuk menghindari itu saya sarankan untuk meningkatkan kembali %rate item tersebut.

    Pastikan event box ini juga memiliki item tertentu yang dibutuhkan oleh pemain yang melakukan top up dalam jumlah besar tetapi sejauh ini tidak ada upaya terhadap hal tersebut sehingga kami akan memberikan RPs kami dan Crone untuk mendapatkan item tersebut.

    Topik 3) Elemental Dungeon.
    Anda telah melakukan begitu banyak perubahan pada ruang bawah tanah ini selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi dampak buruk terkait update terbaru terhadap F2P saat ini adalah :
    Penghapusan Origin of Transcendence dan rendahnya %rate box hadiah didalam roulette-nya, ingatkan anda ketika game penuh dengan pemain yang memainkan fitur ini?
    Dengan adanya map Abyss dan tidak banyak PVP akhir-akhir ini, dan memang tidak banyak yang melakukannya, yang telah berkontribusi juga terhadap laju trading di dalam game, tidak ada crone, tidak ada perkelahian, tidak ada RPs, karena ya kami melakukan top up setidaknya 500 RPs untuk game ini dan sangat menyayangkan hal ini. Tapi kita akan membicarakan ini lebih lanjut di topik berikutnya.

    Topik 4) Donatur (Player yang melakukan top up)
    Kami donatur besar adalah orang yang bersama F2P menghidupkan server, sekarang apa masalahnya di sini.
    Izinkan saya menjelaskan Anda sebagai donatur terbesar dalam game.
    1A) Jika Anda mengurangi harga item Talisman berdurasi terbatas, Anda akan mendapatkan lebih banyak pemain yang men-donate daripada mengharapkan 50 pemain biasa.
    1B) Jika Anda juga memberi penghargaan kepada para donatur ini dengan lebih baik, mereka akan tertarik untuk membelanjakan lebih banyak lagi, saat ini hadiah 2x tidaklah cukup bagi beberapa pemain, dan sebagain catatan saya cenderung menghabiskan lebih dari 40K RPs setiap event (yang diadakan setiap 3 hari).
    1C) Royal Sword dan Scratch harus dihentikan, berjudi bukanlah cara untuk meningkatkan popularitas permainan tetapi untuk membunuhnya.

    Topik 5) Beriklan, tolong beriklan!
    Saya menyarankan bahwa sebagai game lama, Steam akan tertarik untuk menjadikan anda sebagai rekanan di sana, ini akan memungkinkan untuk meningkatkan lebih jauh lagi basis pemain. Saya juga menyarankan agar Anda membuat beberapa streamer game dan merekomendasikan game tersebut jika mereka menyukainya, untuk menjelaskan juga mengapa masih layak untuk memainkan game ini di tahun 2023.

    Topik 6) Ambassador
    Sebagai Ambassador saya menyaksikan banyak yang hanya tertarik dengan RPs 8K yang diberikan. Bagaimana kita memastikan bahwa para pemain ini melakukannya untuk pengabdian yang mereka miliki pada permainan dan bukan hanya untuk hadiah RPs 8K?

    Topik 7) Pengelola Komunitas Discord
    Karena Discord penuh dengan saran yang mengajak untuk bergabung dengan server pribadi, ancaman dan saran tentang cara curang ke dalam permainan, saya sarankan agar kita memilih beberapa moderator yang aktif yang dapat melakukan sensor dan mengendalikan situasi tanpa terlalu banyak membahas masalah pribadi.

    Topik 8) Pengurangan EXP
    Sekarang, hanya sedikit dari kami yang menyadarinya karena hanya sedikit dari kami yang memiliki akses ke tempat terbaik dalam game, tetapi mengapa bisa hal ini sampai tidak diumumkan oleh kalian, kami ingin tahu apakah ada alasan dibaliknya yang tidak kami sadari?

    Topik 9) Event PVP/PVE
    Game ini membutuhkan Event PVP dan PVE secepatnya yang memberikan reward kepada pemain dalam bentuk apa pun, dan Event PVP ini harus berdasarkan tingkat equipment dan level dari karakter didalam game. Diperlukan juga Event PVE yang memberikan kemungkinan kepada siapa saja untuk bergabung, baik guild Minoritas dan Mayoritas.

    Topik 10) Class Balance Patch?
    Kami menunggu ini selama lebih dari 10 bulan, namun kami tidak dapat berkomentar lebih jauh tentang itu.

    Akhir kata, saya sarankan untuk membalas di forum atau Discord.

    Jika Anda memiliki saran lebih lanjut, Anda dapat mengirimi saya DM pribadi di : Discord ZygomaticArch#7777
    Tetap beramarah, terus balas dendam Rohanian!

  5. #5
    Well said,

    I have won in 3 seperate competitions the last week and only received 1 MVP coin for the win, which has put me off even entering them whats the point running round, finding kiosks or answering questions etc when all you get is 1 MVP coin its just not worth the time and effort.

    The lack of safe enhancements in the boxes since November has really done a lot of damage I opened over 100 in December and over 80 in January and not one safe enhancment, how are players even meant to make an effort to improve if such simple things are impossible to get, for example we can't even improve our masks anymore it'll never get to +10 (Rhe reinforcment stones are hard enough to get based on pure luck in EM) and you cant safely enhance either so there goes another item that only the elite have been able to enhance in the past and the rest of the player base will remain stuck at +2-3 IF LUCKY.

    TJB and event drops I fully agree that this should be changed, make both of them only accesible to 115 (115 is after all so easy to get now) but then also make them scaleable so that 115s cant sit attacking lvl 1-5 monsters to get it as is currently the case at bindstoes lvl 29s attacking lvl 1-5 monsters n cashing in on the event drops and TJB build up.

    As for TJB the rewards need to be upped +12s seem impossible to get in them nowadays I have opened over 250 since November and in that time had 1 +12 ticket but over 50 400% Charms (What good is that they are non tradable and just take up bag space), this has again done untold damage on the market place as +12 tickets are now close to 30B each, these were the only safe way that non 1%ers could get gear from +6 to +12 in combination with safe enchancments and feel relevant.

    If something isnt done soon you are going to see more and more f2p players and people who dont spend 1k dollars a month leaving as they just can't progress anymore, over 11B for deluxs, over 15B for +10 tickets, 30B for +12 tickets, no safe enhance, poor rates on TJB and event boxes are serious hits to people who cant afford to spend much or any money. And dont even go there with ))T, 40B now for +15 OOT its unmanageable

    Yes I appreciate you need the 1%ers to keep servers paid and staff wages, but you also need the low contributers and the F2P players to keep things active too, a game cannot survive without both groups, take one away and its dead.
    Last edited by Garthinator; 01-27-2023 at 01:25 AM.

  6. #6
    keep up the feedbak how more people read and complain the better

  7. #7
    Sugestia ambasadora ZygomaticArch
    Drodzy Rohańczycy.
    Jako ambasador i gracz, który jest bardzo oddany i zainteresowany grą, mając nadzieję, że zawsze będzie się rozwijać w lepszym środowisku i największej społeczności.

    Oto moje sugestie, które w niedalekiej przyszłości zostaną przetłumaczone na więcej języków.

    Przeanalizujemy każdą ważną aranżację/ulepszenie/sugestię, aby zasugerować naszym drogim DEV-om i samemu Dyrektorowi, co wszyscy myślimy.

    Jako gracz tej gry z BETA moje doświadczenie mówi samo, może jest ktoś jeszcze bardziej doświadczony ode mnie, JA PRZYNAJMNIEJ poświęciłem czas i wysiłek, których nikt
    zapłacą za moją próbę zapewnienia lepszej przyszłości firmie PWI przede wszystkim, a przede wszystkim za to, aby doświadczenie gracza Rohańczyka było płynniejsze.

    ogromną przepaść, jaką ci gracze stwarzają w stosunku do innych, którzy nie mogą sobie pozwolić na grę na wielu kontach z wielu powodów, o których nie trzeba mówić.

    Skrzynie Wydarzeń i redukcja bezpiecznych kamieni ulepszeń doprowadziła do kolejnego spadku Rohanian Players, aby tego uniknąć, sugeruję ponowne zwiększenie tam procentowej szansy na przedmiot.

    Upewnij się, że to pudełko wydarzenia zawiera również pewien przedmiot, który będzie wymagał dużych wydatków, ale który nie wymaga wysiłku, abyśmy zapewnili w to nasze RP, Crone.

    Sugeruję, że jako stara gra, Steam byłby zainteresowany zastosowaniem tam twojego klienta, co pozwoliłoby dodatkowo zwiększyć bazę graczy.
    Sugeruję również, abyś skłonił kilku ważnych streamerów do grania i polecił grę, jeśli im się spodoba, wyjaśniając, dlaczego i JEŚLI warto nadal w nią grać
    w 2023 r.

    Temat 6) Ambasadorzy

    Jako ambasador widzę, że wielu jest zainteresowanych po prostu otrzymanymi 8 000 RP.
    Co powiesz na to, abyśmy upewnili się, że ci gracze robią to dla oddania grze, a nie tylko dla nagrody w wysokości 8 000 Rps?
    Temat 7) Menedżer społeczności Discord

    Ponieważ na discordzie roi się od sugestii dołączenia do prywatnych serwerów, gróźb i sugestii, jak oszukać grę, sugeruję, abyśmy wybrali kilka aktywnych
    moderatorzy, którzy mogą usunąć na czas i przejąć kontrolę nad sytuacją bez zbytniego wchodzenia w sprawy osobiste.

    Temat 8) Redukcja EXP

    Teraz tylko nieliczni z nas to zauważyli, ponieważ tylko nieliczni mają dostęp do najlepszych miejsc w grze, ale jak to nikt z was nie powiedział, chcielibyśmy wiedzieć, czy istnieje
    stoi za tym powód, którego nie jesteśmy świadomi?

    Temat 9) Wydarzenia PvP/PvE

    Gra wymaga jak najszybszych wydarzeń PvP i PvE, które nagradzają graczy dowolnego rodzaju, musi mieć odpowiednie wydarzenia PvP oparte na sprzęcie i ULVL.
    Wydarzenia PVE, które dają każdemu możliwość dołączenia do gildii mniejszości i większości.

    Temat 10) Poprawka balansu klas?

    Czekamy na to już ponad 10 miesięcy, ale nie mamy na ten temat słów.

    Na koniec proponuję odpowiedzieć na forum lub na discordzie.

    Jeśli masz dalsze sugestie, możesz wysłać mi prywatną wiadomość prywatną na adres: Discord ZygomaticArch#7777
    Pride, is Lost.

  8. #8
    Mahal na Rohanian.
    Bilang isang ambassador at isang manlalaro na napaka-dedikado at interesado
    sa laro, umaasa na ito ay palaging lumalaki sa isang mas magandang kapaligiran
    at pinakadakilang komunidad.

    Narito ang aking mungkahi na sa halos hinaharap ay isasalin sa mas maraming wika.

    Daanin namin ang bawat mahalagang pagsasaayos/pag-upgrade/suhestyon upang masaayos...

    Paksa 1) Mga Pangyayari.

    Ang mga kaganapan ay dapat gawin sa isang oras kung saan walang ibang mga aksyon na nagaganap sa laro tulad ng TSB/PA.
    Ang mga gantimpala sa mga kaganapan ay kailangang baguhin at i-upgrade, dahil karamihan sa mga manlalaro ay walang pakikinabang sa paglahok, ang mga gantimpala ay medyo masyadong mahina, ang nilalaman
    ay nagsimulang maging paulit-ulit at walang anumang dahilan para lumahok.

    Paano ito madagdagan?

    Well simpleng halaga ng crone ay kailangang dagdagan sa hindi bababa sa isang makabuluhang numero, sabihin natin ang karaniwan na nakukuha natin ng hindi bababa sa superior's kaya isang average na 5 bilyon.
    Ang ilang ASES para sa F2P ay makakatulong din sa ilang uri ng 8 oras o mga bagay na hindi maaaring abusuhin ng "Multiple account farmer.

    2) Mga Kaganapan sa IG/FB/Discord/Official Forum.

    Ang pagbabahagi at paggamit ng mga personal na impormasyon para makakuha ng mga benepisyo sa naturang maliit na komunidad ay hahantong lamang sa mga isyu, ang mungkahi ko ay ilipat ang mga kaganapang iyon sa hindi pagkakasundo kung saan maaari naming
    itago ang aming personal na impormasyon.

    Muli kahit na sa mga ito ang mga gantimpala ay bahagyang hindi gaanong mahalaga at hindi kapaki-pakinabang sa anumang paraan sa pag-unlad ng anumang mga manlalaro, ang mga tao ay laruin lamang ito dahil sa pagkabagot.
    (Hindi ito ang gusto ng isang gaming company sa kanilang mga manlalaro) Para mainis.

    Paano ito madagdagan? Simple :

    Taasan ang halaga ng mga gantimpala at mga iginawad na manlalaro.

    Paksa 2) F2P/Mga Kahon ng Kaganapan.

    Upang matulungan ang komunidad ng F2P na gumagawa ng mas malaking sukat ng laro tulad ng iba pang MMORPG, maraming mga manlalaro na naglalaro lamang ng laro para sa kasiyahan o kasiyahan.
    Hindi mo maaaring asahan na lahat ng mga ito ay kayang bayaran ang napakalaking agwat na ibinigay ng Pinagsamang Imbentaryo ng ingame, ni sinuman ang umaasa ng ganoon.. Gayunpaman, ang pag-alis ng ASES sa laro,
    ay lubhang nabawasan ang mga fanbase player, para maayos ito, ang mungkahi ko ay ibigay ang item na ito sa Time Jewel Boxes at dahil ang Event Boxes ay rewardable lang,
    sa antas na 115 o mas mataas.

    Ngayon tatanungin mo ang iyong sarili kung bakit, hayaan mong ipaliwanag ko sa iyo:

    Habang nasasaksihan ninyong lahat ang laro ay puno ng maraming lowbie na nakaupo sa bawat mapa na pagsasaka Time Jewel Boxes tulad ng walang bukas para sa sariling interes o crone, ito ay humahadlang
    mas malayo ang ekonomiya ng laro.

    Kung ibibigay mo ito upang igawad lamang ng mas mataas na antas, na sa ngayon ay napakadaling makamit sa pamamagitan lamang ng mga fragment ng diyos, pagkatapos ay mapipigilan namin habang ang mga manlalaro ay naghahangad para sa
    ang pinakamahuhusay na pagsasaka ay nakikita ang napakalaking agwat ng mga manlalarong ito sa iba na hindi kayang maglaro ng maramihang mga account para sa maraming dahilan na hindi na kailangang sabihin.

    Ang mga Kahon ng Kaganapan at ang pagbabawas ng mga bato ng ligtas na pagpapahusay ay humantong sa isa pang pagbaba ng mga Rohanian na Manlalaro, upang maiwasan na iminumungkahi kong dagdagan muli ang item na % odd doon.

    Siguraduhin na ang kahon ng kaganapan na ito ay mayroon ding ilang partikular na item na kakailanganin ng malaking gastusin ngunit walang pagsisikap na gawin upang maibigay namin ang aming mga RP, Crone dito.

    Paksa 3) Elemental Dungeon's.

    Napakaraming pagbabago ang nagawa mo sa piitan na ito sa lahat ng mga taon ngunit ang huling hit sa F2P muli ay ang kasalukuyang :
    Pag-aalis ng mga pinanggalingan at ang mababang % ng Mga Kahon sa loob nito, tandaan kapag puno ang laro ng mga manlalaro na handang laruin ito?
    Sa kailaliman at hindi gaanong pvp kamakailan, hindi marami ang gumagawa nito, na higit na nagyelo sa ekonomiya, walang crone, walang away, walang rps, dahil oo kaming mga malalaking gumagastos ay gumagalaw
    500 RPs.
    Ngunit pag-uusapan natin ito sa susunod na paksa.

    Paksa 4) Mga Donator
    Kaming mga malalaking donator ang siyang nagbibigay buhay sa server sa F2P, ngayon ano ang mga isyu dito.

    Hayaan akong ipaliwanag sa iyo bilang ang pinakamalaking donor sa laro.

    1A) Kung babawasan mo ang halaga ng limitadong tagal ng talismans, magkakaroon ka ng mas maraming manlalaro na mag-donate kaysa sa karaniwang 50 manlalaro.
    1B) Kung gagantimpalaan mo rin ang mga donator na ito ng mas mahusay, magiging interesado silang gumastos ng higit pa, sa panahon ngayon para sa karamihan ng 2x na gantimpala ay hindi sapat na may ilang mga manlalaro,
    kasama ako ay may posibilidad na gumastos ng higit sa 40K RP bawat kaganapan (Na nangangahulugang bawat 3 araw).
    1C) Ang RoyalSword at Scratch ay dapat itigil, ang sugal ay hindi isang paraan para tumaas ang kasikatan ng laro kundi para patayin ito.

    Paksa 5) Mag-advertise, mag-advertise, mangyaring!
    Iminumungkahi ko na bilang isang lumang laro na ito, ang Steam ay magiging interesado na ilapat ang iyong kliyente doon, ito ay magbibigay-daan upang madagdagan pa ang playerbase.
    Iminumungkahi ko rin na gumawa ka ng ilang mahahalagang streamer sa paglalaro at irekomenda ang laro kung gusto nila ito, na nagpapaliwanag kung bakit at KUNG sulit na laruin pa rin ang larong ito
    ngayong 2023.

    Paksa 6) Mga Ambassador

    As an ambassador saksi ako na marami lang ang interesado sa 8K RPs na binigay.
    Paano kung masigurado natin na ginagawa ito ng mga manlalaro para sa debosyon na mayroon sila sa laro at hindi lamang para sa reward na 8K Rps?

    Paksa 7) Tagapamahala ng Discord Community

    Dahil puno ng discord ang mga mungkahi ng pagsali sa mga pribadong server, pagbabanta at mungkahi kung paano manloko sa laro, iminumungkahi ko na pumili kami at pumili ng ilang aktibo.
    mga moderator na maaaring magtanggal sa oras at kontrolin ang sitwasyon nang hindi ito masyadong napupunta sa mga personal na isyu.

    Paksa 8) Pagbawas ng EXP

    Ngayon, iilan lang sa amin ang nakapansin dahil iilan lang sa amin ang may access sa mga pinakamagandang lugar sa laro, ngunit kung paano ito hindi sinabi ng sinuman sa inyo, gusto naming malaman kung mayroong
    may dahilan ba sa likod nito na hindi natin alam?

    Paksa 9) Mga Kaganapan sa PvP/PvE

    Nangangailangan ang laro sa lalong madaling panahon ng mga kaganapang PvP at PvE na nagbibigay ng gantimpala sa mga manlalaro ng anumang uri, kailangan nitong magkaroon ng wastong Mga Kaganapang PvP batay sa mga gear at ULVL.
    PVE Events na nagbibigay ng posibilidad sa sinuman na sumali, Minority at Majority guild.

    Paksa 10) Patch ng Balanse sa Klase?

    Hinihintay namin ito nang higit sa 10 buwan, ngunit wala kaming mga salita tungkol dito.

    Panghuli ngunit hindi bababa sa, iminumungkahi kong tumugon sa forum o sa discord.

    Kung mayroon kang karagdagang mungkahi maaari kang magpadala sa akin ng personal na DM sa : Discord ZygomaticArch#7777

    Manatiling galit, ipagpatuloy ang paghihiganti mga Rohanian!

  9. #9
    Suggerimenti dell'Ambasciatore ZygomaticArch
    Cari Rohanian.
    Come ambasciatore e giocatore molto dedito e interessato al gioco, sperando che cresca sempre in un ambiente migliore e in una comunità più grande.

    Ecco i miei suggerimenti che nel prossimo futuro saranno tradotti in più lingue.

    Esamineremo ogni singolo arrangiamento/aggiornamento/suggerimento importante per suggerire ai nostri cari DEV e al Direttore stesso ciò che tutti noi pensiamo.

    Come giocatore di questo gioco della BETA la mia esperienza parla da sola, forse c'è qualcuno anche più esperto di me, ALMENO IO, ho impiegato tempo e fatica che nessuno
    pagherà per il mio tentativo di fornire un futuro migliore per la società PWI prima di tutto e per rendere più agevole l'esperienza del giocatore di Rohanian.


    Argomento 1) Eventi.

    Gli eventi devono essere eseguiti in un momento in cui non si verificano altre azioni nel gioco come TSB/PA.
    Le ricompense degli eventi devono essere modificate e aggiornate, poiché la maggior parte dei giocatori non trarrà alcun vantaggio dalla partecipazione di tali eventi, le ricompense sono troppo scarse, il contenuto
    ha cominciato ad essere ripetitivo e senza alcun motivo per partecipare.

    Come aumentare questo?

    Beh, semplice la quantità di crone deve essere aumentata almeno a un numero significativo, diciamo che il solito otteniamo almeno in superiore quindi una media di 5 miliardi.
    Alcuni ASES per F2P aiuterebbero anche lungo una sorta di 8 ore o articoli che non possono essere abusati da "Agricoltore con più account"

    2) Eventi su IG/FB/Discord/Forum ufficiale.

    La condivisione e l'utilizzo di informazioni personali per ottenere benefici su una comunità così piccola porterà solo a problemi, il mio suggerimento è di spostare quegli eventi in Discord dove possiamo
    nascondere le nostre informazioni personali.

    Ancora una volta anche su questi i premi sono leggermente insignificanti e non utili in alcun modo al progresso di alcun giocatore, le persone giocheranno solo per noia
    (questo non è ciò che una società di gioco vuole dai propri giocatori) Annoiarsi.

    Come aumentare questo? Semplice :

    Aumenta il valore delle ricompense e dei giocatori premiati.

    Argomento 2) Caselle F2P/Eventi.

    Per aiutare la comunità F2P che rende il gioco su scala più ampia come qualsiasi altro MMORPG, ci sono molti giocatori che giocano solo per divertimento o divertimento.
    Non puoi aspettarti che tutti possano permettersi l'immenso divario dato dall'Inventario unito all'interno del gioco, né nessuno se lo aspetta. Tuttavia, rimuovendo gli ASES dal gioco,
    ha ridotto drasticamente il numero di giocatori fanbase, per risolvere questo problema il mio suggerimento è di dare questo oggetto ai Time Jewel Box e come ricompensa solo per Event Box,
    a livello di 115 o superiore.

    Ora ti chiederai perché, lascia che ti spieghi:

    Come tutti voi testimoniate, il gioco è pieno di molti lowbie seduti su ogni mappa che coltivano Time Jewel Box come se non ci fosse un domani per l'interesse personale o per la vecchia, questo blocca
    l'economia del gioco più lontano.

    Se fornisci questo per essere assegnato solo da un livello più alto, che al giorno d'oggi è molto facile da ottenere solo con frammenti di divinità, allora saremo in grado di impedire ai giocatori di fare pvp per
    la migliore agricoltura individua l'immenso divario che questi giocatori pongono ad altri che non possono permettersi di giocare con più account per molte ragioni che non hanno bisogno di essere raccontate.

    Event Boxes e la riduzione delle pietre di potenziamento sicuro ha portato a un'altra diminuzione dei giocatori Rohanian, per evitare che suggerisco di aumentare ancora una volta la percentuale di oggetto dispari lì dentro.

    Assicurati che questa scatola dell'evento contenga anche alcuni oggetti che richiederanno grandi spese ma che non hanno alcuno sforzo per farlo in modo che forniremo i nostri RP, Crone in questo.

    Argomento 3) Dungeon elementale.

    Hai apportato così tante modifiche a questo dungeon durante tutti questi anni, ma l'ultimo successo di F2P è di nuovo l'attuale:
    La rimozione di Origins e la bassa percentuale di scatole al suo interno, ricordi quando il gioco era pieno di giocatori pronti a giocarci?
    Con l'abisso e non molto pvp ultimamente, non molti lo hanno fatto, il che ha congelato ulteriormente l'economia, niente vecchia, niente litigi, niente rps, perché sì, noi grandi spendaccioni ci muoviamo
    500 RP per ogni battaglia almeno.
    Ma ne parleremo ulteriormente nel prossimo argomento.

    Tema 4) Donatori
    Noi grandi donatori siamo quelli che lungo l'F2P rendono vivo il server, ora qual è il problema qui.

    Lascia che ti spieghi come il più grande donatore del gioco.

    1A) Se riducessi il costo dei talismani a durata limitata, finiresti per avere più giocatori che donano invece dei soliti 50 giocatori.
    1B) Se anche tu premiassi meglio questi donatori, sarebbero interessati a spendere di più, al giorno d'oggi per la maggior parte dei premi 2x non sono sufficienti alcuni giocatori,
    me incluso tende a spendere oltre 40.000 RP per evento (il che significa ogni 3 giorni).
    1C) RoyalSword e Scratch devono essere fermati, il gioco d'azzardo non è un modo per aumentare la popolarità del gioco ma per ucciderla.

    Argomento 5) Fai pubblicità, fai pubblicità per favore!
    Suggerisco che, trattandosi di un vecchio gioco, Steam sarebbe interessato ad applicare il tuo client lì dentro, questo consentirebbe di aumentare ulteriormente la base di giocatori.
    Suggerisco anche di far giocare alcuni importanti streamer di gioco e di consigliare il gioco se gli piace, spiegando perché e SE vale la pena giocare ancora a questo gioco
    nel 2023.

    Tema 6) Ambasciatori

    In qualità di ambasciatore, sono testimone che molti sono interessati soltanto agli 8K RP dati.
    Propongo di assicurarci che questi giocatori lo facciano per la devozione che hanno nei confronti del gioco e non solo per la ricompensa dei 8K Rps?

    Argomento 7) Discord Community Manager

    Dato che il Discord è piena di suggerimenti su come entrare in server privati, minacce e suggerimenti su come imbrogliare nel gioco, suggerisco di selezionare e scegliere alcuni attivi
    moderatori che possono cancellare in tempo e prendere in mano la situazione senza che si entrino troppo nelle questioni personali.

    Argomento 8) Riduzione EXP

    Ora, solo pochi di noi l'hanno notato perché solo pochi di noi hanno accesso ai posti migliori nel gioco, ma come questo non è stato detto da nessuno di voi ragazzi, vorremmo sapere se c'è
    c'è una ragione che non conosciamo?

    Argomento 9) Eventi PvP/PvE

    Il gioco richiede al più presto eventi PvP e PvE che premino giocatori di qualsiasi tipo, deve avere eventi PvP adeguati basati su ingranaggi e ULVL.
    Eventi PVE che danno la possibilità a chiunque di unirsi, gilde di minoranza e maggioranza.

    Argomento 10) Patch per il bilanciamento delle classi?

    Lo aspettiamo da più di 10 mesi, eppure non abbiamo parole al riguardo.

    Ultimo ma non meno importante, suggerisco di rispondere sul forum o su discord.

    Se hai ulteriori suggerimenti puoi inviarmi un DM personale a: Discord ZygomaticArch#7777

    Resta arrabbiato, continua a vendicare Rohanian!
    Pride, is Lost.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ZygomaticArch View Post
    Dear Rohanian's.
    As an ambassador and a player that is very dedicated and interested into the game, hoping it always grow in a better enviroment and greatest community.

    Here are my suggestion's that in the nearly future will be translate in more languages.

    We will go through every single important arrangment/upgrade/suggestion in order to suggest our dear DEV's and the Director himself what all of us think.

    As a player of this game from the BETA my experience speaks alone, maybe there is someone even more experienced than me, I AT LEAST, have took time and effort that no one
    will pay for my attempt into providing a better future for the PWI company first and 2nd of all to make the experience of the Rohanian's player smoother.

    Let's begin!

    Topic 1) Events.

    The events must be done in a time where no other actions are occuring in the game such as TSB/PA.
    The events rewards need to be changed and upgraded, as most of the players will benefit nothing for participating, the rewards are just slightly too poor, the content
    has begun to be repeatetive and without any reason to participate.

    How to increase this?

    Well simply crone amount need to be increased to at least a significant number, let's say the usual we get at least in superior's so an average of 5 bilion.
    Some ASES for the F2P would also help along some kind of 8hrs or items that cannot be abused by "Multiple accounts farmer"

    2) Events on IG/FB/Discord/Official Forum.

    Sharing and using personal informations for gaining benefits on such small community will lead only to issue's, my suggestion is to move those events in discord where we can
    hide our personal information's.

    Again even on these ones the rewards are slightly insignificant and not useful in anyhow to the progress of any players, people will just play this out of boredom
    (this is not what a gaming company want from their players) To be bored.

    How to increase this? Simple :

    Increase the value of rewards and the awarded players.

    Topic 2) F2P/Event Boxes.

    To help the F2P community which makes the larger scale of the game as any other MMORPG, there are many players that just play the game for fun or etertaining.
    You cannot expect that all of them can afford the immense gap given by the Merged Inventory by ingame, nor anyone expect such.. However removing the ASES from game,
    has drastically reduced the fanbase players, in order to fix this my suggestion is to give this item to the Time Jewel Boxes and as the Event Boxes only rewardable,
    at the level of 115 or above.

    Now you will ask yourself why, let me explain you :

    As you all witness the game is filled with many lowbie's sitting on every map farming Time Jewel Boxes like there is no tomorrow for self interest or crone, this blocks
    the economy of the game further away.

    If you provide this to be awarded only by higher level, that nowadays is very easy to achieve with just god fragments, then we will be able to prevent as players pvping for
    the best farming spots the immense gap these players put to others who cannot afford to play multiple accounts for many reasons that don't need to be told.

    Event Boxes and the reduction of safe enhancement's stones has lead to another decrease of Rohanian Players, to avoid that i suggest to increase once again the item % odd in there.

    Make sure that this event box has also certain item that big spender will requires but that have no effort of doing so that we will provide our RPs, Crone into this.

    Topic 3) Elemental Dungeon's.

    You have done so many changes to this dungeon during all these years but the last hit to F2P again are the current :
    Origins removal and the low % of Boxes into it, remember when game was full of players ready to play this?
    With abyss and not much pvp lately, not many has been doing so, which has frozen further more the economy, no crone, no fights, no rps, because yes we big spenders move around
    500 RPs.
    But we will talk about this further in next topic.

    Topic 4) Donators
    We big donators are the one who along the F2P make the server alive, now what are the issue's in here.

    Let me explain you as the biggest donator in game.

    1A) If you would reduce the cost of the limited duration talismans you would end up having more players donating rather than usual 50 players.
    1B) If you would also reward these donators better, they would be interested into spending further more, nowadays for most 2x rewards are not enough has some players,
    me included tends to spend over 40K RPs per event (Which means every 3 days).
    1C) The RoyalSword and Scratch must be stopped, gamble is not a way to increase the game popularity but to kill it.

    Topic 5) Advertise, advertise please!
    I suggest that as a old game this is, Steam would be interested in applying your client in there, this would allow to increase furthermore the playerbase.
    I also suggest that you would make some important gaming streamers play and recommend the game if they like it, explaining why and IF is worth to play this game still
    in 2023.

    Topic 6) Ambassadors

    As an ambassador i witness that many are just interested by the 8K RPs given.
    How about we make sure that these players do it for the devotion they have to the game and not only for the 8K Rps reward?

    Topic 7) Discord Community Manager

    As discord is crowded with suggestion's of joining private servers, threats and suggestion on how to cheat into the game, i suggest that we select and choose some active
    moderators that can delete in time and take in control the situation without it going too much into personal issues.

    Topic 8) EXP Reduction

    Now, only a few of us has noticed because only a few of us has access to the best spots in game, but how this was not told by any of you guys, we would like to know if there
    is a reason behind it that we are unaware of?

    Topic 9) PvP/PvE Events

    The game requires asap PvP and PvE events that reward players of any kind, it needs to have proper PvP Events based on gears and ULVL's.
    PVE Events that gives the possibility to anyone to join, Minority and Majority guilds.

    Topic 10) Class Balance Patch?

    We wait this for more than 10 months, yet we have no words about it.

    Last but not least, i suggest to reply on the forum or on discord.

    If you have further suggestion's you may send me a personal DM's at : Discord ZygomaticArch#7777

    Stay angry, keep venging Rohanian's!

    All 10 points were great suggestions Zygo.
    Been playing hardcore for many years and hoped that the "new" Rohan Vengeance would be slightly different, but it's worse than RBF xD.

    Ideally as one of the top spenders myself i'd like to see ALL 10 of those points actioned, but we already know there is just 1 reason why this game's going downhill: The management team who makes the decisions. (and they wont look at the forums.)

    The shot-callers are just so blinded by money they can't even spare $$ to hire more staff nor use their brain to realise how much more they can make.
    In short, they either lack brains or just don't care and want to milk us dry, like my ex gf that literally sucked me dry every time we got it on. She was a wild one but she was extremely dumb and didn't want to do anything else, the similarities are uncanny in a way.

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