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  1. #1

    Really??? part 2

    Ok back on the same subject according to my previous post let's honestly think about this. If you guys knock melee down to 40% that also means another very sad fact for any melee user out there. That any glacial weapons if this patch were to take place would now become utterly worthless junk. Sure you get a bigger base dmg on weapons with glacial but that alone can be made up for by the stat points you get from tali/ferkant/ even +12 chimeras. This would also mean your guys shiny burner options will be junk even if you keep them in the game who in their right mind would take a glacial weapons with 40% melee and 40% dd over tali/ferkant or even a nice chimera....i'll tell you right now nobody. If you guys want to seriously fix the class balance issue as a whole...sure vit fishes are op cause of their massive hp and yes I agree with the post about the hp% weapons. However the bigger problem always has been and i'm sure always will be in Templars. The reason for this is because you guys need to rework the way the temps blunt mastery works it adds to weapon base before melee % is even considered what this means a high int temp even with a 40% melee stone will still hit like a friken truck. So your guys way describes way of 40% melee nerf means temps still hit like trucks and the rest of the melee classes will literally be shot to hell and back. If you nerf the temps blunt mastery skill and have the int added onto the already figured melee % stat and not the weapon base dmg. Than you guys have a better shot at achieving balance in this act than the 40% melee Nerf that will make glacial weapons utterally worthless.

  2. #2
    Example 700base dmg+ 1700 int = 2400 base dmg +68% melee of the weapon. This is the way the description and the math even reads is you add their int to this base damage of the weapon not the melee. this is what pushes you into the negatives and that way 68% or 40% melee won't mean crap to temps cause they will still hit ungodly. So instead add the int to the already figured melee atk force not the weapon base damage this will prevent peeps from diving into the negatives. In short what this means is temps will still have about 2k more melee than anybody out there than figured in with their reflection and heals/ debuffs this still means that Templars are a force to be feared and of course they always have ss.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Please provide any and all constructive feedback to this thread: Thank you.
    Last edited by Verenbaen; 04-22-2014 at 09:33 PM.

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