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  1. #1

    DK Change Job Quest Bug (INFORMATIVE 📜)

    I tried doing the change job quest and its not letting me finish im on the part where "Subhar" gives me the quest "Departure from Youth" i received the key the first time then went to get the rebirth dagger on the dagger box using the dagger box key however it did not give me any quest items (rebirth dagger), thinking that the quest might refresh itself i quit quest and restart over, this time the benezar tunic is not showing on the first quest and i cant even talk now to the sleeping dragon statue to get the key, tried everything but its not letting me move forward on the quest hope to here from you today as im dying to get to DK asap for the event

    i doubt this is normal
    Last edited by SasoreGM; 06-17-2024 at 08:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by bigpp View Post
    I tried doing the change job quest and its not letting me finish im on the part where "Subhar" gives me the quest "Departure from Youth" i received the key the first time then went to get the rebirth dagger on the dagger box using the dagger box key however it did not give me any quest items (rebirth dagger), thinking that the quest might refresh itself i quit quest and restart over, this time the benezar tunic is not showing on the first quest and i cant even talk now to the sleeping dragon statue to get the key, tried everything but its not letting me move forward on the quest hope to here from you today as im dying to get to DK asap for the event

    i doubt this is normal
    did u find out what is wrong?

  3. #3
    Same problem here, quest ask to buy 4 portals and deliver to status of sleeping dragon, but i cant deliver it, probably a bug

    GM help us

  4. #4
    Im to have same problem with this GM please help,

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by eddygamerpro View Post
    Same problem here, quest ask to buy 4 portals and deliver to status of sleeping dragon, but i cant deliver it, probably a bug

    GM help us
    Bro can help me if you can fix this bug, I'm same problem with this.

  6. #6
    also me have bug on last part i kill Adharmha much time but didnt finsh quist ???????!!

  7. #7
    Where do you even FIND that Dagger box?

  8. #8
    how did you fix it?

  9. #9
    Q normal created DK n changed job nỏrmal read info of Quest very clearly to done

  10. #10
    Same problem here ... But i solved!

    I remaked this step of quest, quiting and taking again with Subhar, buyng portals again and talking with statue in Dungeon..

    He got me key but dagger box not showing, so i desconected closing game and connected again, and solved!

    Try it!

    CorpoDeVelaBR is my nick. Give me crones for this
    Last edited by samuelrohan1; 03-01-2021 at 02:19 PM.

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