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  1. #1

    Most wanted/least played class?

    Hi currently doing the game and was wondering what the most wanted/least played classes are. Normally I play tanks in most mmorpgs however I do prefer to play class in demand or just a class you rarely see. I don't mind so much a class failing early on as long as they are good/useful/needed later in the game. If possible along with suggestion some guide like skill build or stat build or equipment guide be nice as well if it applaud (some game don't have stats to add or you get all skill anyways) mainly coz I hate messing up and I know most f2p games reset cost lot of real money. Thanks for any info guys ^_^

    Edit: Anyway to change the control where I can move with WASD? Coz forcing to click to move is very annoying for me =\
    Last edited by panzehao; 07-04-2013 at 03:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Serf FaPeLo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panzehao View Post
    Hi currently doing the game and was wondering what the most wanted/least played classes are. Normally I play tanks in most mmorpgs however I do prefer to play class in demand or just a class you rarely see. I don't mind so much a class failing early on as long as they are good/useful/needed later in the game. If possible along with suggestion some guide like skill build or stat build or equipment guide be nice as well if it applaud (some game don't have stats to add or you get all skill anyways) mainly coz I hate messing up and I know most f2p games reset cost lot of real money. Thanks for any info guys ^_^

    Edit: Anyway to change the control where I can move with WASD? Coz forcing to click to move is very annoying for me =\
    Hi welcome to seal...
    "What is the most wanted class in seal?" -- in my opinion is apostle (aka priest 2nd job)
    "What is the least class played in seal?" -- IT'S VAGABOND (aka beginner 2nd job)

    as for vagabond / beginner its a class for fun only. Until the end it wont be good / useful / needed (sorry vagabond lover m(_ _)m ) its just my personal preference.

    As for stats build for apostle there are few ways :
    - Leveling from 1-150 as battle priest, which your main stats will be STR, then once you are level 150 change job to Templar first till level 180+ then reset your 2nd job to Apostle.
    (this is one of the fastest way, but need Item Mall reset class scroll)

    - Leveling from 1-160+ as full support priest, which mean you will put all your stats into INT (none others) once you are level 160+ change job to Apostle.
    (this one is kinda slow compare to the first one. it doesn't need any Item Mall reset class scroll, but it does need Equipment which has .G (extremely expensive for us poor priest) or equipment for all class which doesn't has any stats requirement.

    Leveling from 1-160+ as a priest (no need to put any stats) and leeeeeech all the way until you reach level 160+ and change job to apostle.
    (It's not a good way if you are joining other random party, it will ruin your priest reputation. If you want to do this use your _ _ _ C _ _ R to hunt, you will need two computers)

    As for your last question, seal is based on click.. so you can abuse your mouse AND CLICK ALL THE WAY!!! (don't use your RAZOR mouse, cheap cheap one will do)
    (actually if there is any way to customize the controls, i cant help much unless you know about coding)

    -We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone - >> Ronald Reagan <<

    Einzard Bugz

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response, what about least played class beside vagabond lol? Also I was looking at craftman how does that class work? Do I have to kinda pick what type of equip I make or I can max them all? And I read you can like make item have the G and XG as craftman how does that work? And going to be lot or work getting used to clicking its like playing lol XD

  4. #4
    Serf FaPeLo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panzehao View Post
    Thanks for the response, what about least played class beside vagabond lol? Also I was looking at craftman how does that class work? Do I have to kinda pick what type of equip I make or I can max them all? And I read you can like make item have the G and XG as craftman how does that work? And going to be lot or work getting used to clicking its like playing lol XD
    We played every class!! I mean all class population is averagely the same (estimated by me since i dont count each one of them)
    But to be honest, Jester class is the most favorite class in Seal since they are easy to play, fast, deadly, and long range. I had give up whenever i met jester as my rival for a certain mobs. (sorry i had been writing my personal story here )

    I DUNNO!! which other class that was least played beside vagabond.
    And craftman, hmmm... that is another melee class which available in seal online. If you ask me how they work, their attacks is depending a lot on critical or else (meh just standard melee). So try to build you critical as high as possible THROUGH EQUIPMENT, i repeat again THROUGH EQUIPMENT!!
    As for me, i never add a single point to AGI although i know they will raise CRITICAL at some point (if i remember correctly the comparison will be 10AGI : 1CRIT.. CMIIW)

    Frankly speaking i cant get your next question :
    Do I have to kinda pick what type of equip I make or I can max them all?
    I assume you are talking about skill, since you indicate "max them all"
    as for skill TAKE ALL THE MELEE ATTACKS and max them and for refine skill please choose which one you want to focus (max them)
    - Refine Weapons
    - Refine Armors
    - Refine Accessories
    but since we need all those THREE to be refine into .G > .DG > .XG later on, so we need to learn all of them (im not sure if we are able to max them all or not, someone please advise)

    For refine those equipment into .G and bla bla bla you will need REFINE MANUAL G(x) -- x should be change into numbers which can afford the level of your equip that you want to refine. Let say you want to refine Burning Tail, you will need G(5) and above but if you want to refine King Scorpion Tail, you will need G(7) / (8) and above (sorry cant remember clearly). There are G(5) - G(15) as well as G(special)
    Note : from the rumor G(15) has not been release yet in this server.

    NEXT... you will need A LOT OF CEGEL or sometimes NEGEL for refine certain equipment (the amount is depending which refine manual you are using, the higher the more INSANExpensive will be)

    NEXT... is the material as listed on the manual when you put it in the manual slot, there will be few materials you will need to gather with certain ODD quantities.

    Another NEXT... is the catalystssssss... (urgh hate this) YOU WILL HAVE TO use catalyst to add your percentages success rate!! catalyst can be vary from crystal to pink diamond, as well from high level equipment to .G equipment, all has their own points

    LAST and the most important!! The item itself which you are going to refine, BUT IT HAS TO BE +7 at minimum!!

    BUT DO NOT WORRY when you failed at refine .G items you will get rare items ITS BLOODY TEAR!! or SPOOL!!
    (i think seal understand the feeling when we were failed at refine.G and lost all materials, money, manual, catalyst and even the equipment itself)

    Ummm... Its nothing when you are used to be CLICKING those random tiles in SEAL ONLINE!!
    You just need to adept with the controls... hoahhaahaha

    Hope it helps your questions here..
    Last edited by FaPeLo; 07-06-2013 at 10:06 AM.
    -We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone - >> Ronald Reagan <<

    Einzard Bugz

  5. #5
    Thanks for all the info and arg that enchanting system lol Let me guess cash shop for some item to prevent breaking or not even that coz thats just horriflying =P Coz I have such bad luck with rng not even funny o.- well trying to get used to the click feel like I'm playing LoL some times XD

  6. #6
    Cụm máy chủ đầu tiên ATLANS Của mu-so1.com . Phiên bản test từ ngày 06 Tháng 07 Đến 09 Tháng 07 . 1 số tính năng web mới . Ví dụ như thuê đồ , Nạp thẻ được vé quay may mắn , Đấu trường cố đại ... Rất nhiều tính năng mới trên trang quản lư . Trong game th́ được cập nhập thêm w2,5 + w4 Và w5 .

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