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  1. #1

    how do i make a sellers kiosk?

    seriously, i dont get it, everytime i press sellers kiosk icon inside elim it says that i cant open one there. anyone that now how i shall do?
    i play on bereth server if it's makes any difference

    edit: im level 21 has it something to do with that? (just started to play again)

  2. #2
    I'm with you, just started this game wanted to sell a ruby I got so I have enough money to buy pots ; ; but can't seem to open a store or see any other store in Elim or Lime. If anyone can shine a light on this would be great <3

  3. #3
    Ok first off release your pet. (You cannot open a seller's kiosk with a pet)

    Press N (This should open the basic actions window)
    Press the icon for "Open Seller's Kiosk" (you can drag any of the items from basic action's window to your skill bar as well.)
    Type the title for your shop.
    Drag items from your inventory into the slots in the "Open Seller's Kiosk" window. This will open a box to give it a price.
    Double check all the prices by clicking on the items in the "Open Seller's Kiosk" window. (It should say at the bottom how much your priced it at)
    Press the start sales button and tada you have opened up a seller's kiosk.

    Note: If you are in a guild you will be taxed on sales of a seller's kiosk (Usually its 5% these crones are deposited into your guild's treasury)
    Note2: Sales in seller's kiosk are irreversible if you missed a 0 and sold something at 200 instead of 2000 it is your fault and YNK will not reimburse you.

    Good places to open a seller's kiosk. (Dependant on items)

    Pets: Montt
    Instance dungeon rewards: Craft studio
    Weapons/Armour/Accesory: Montt
    ETC: Montt
    Craft components (Crystals EOS Gems): Craft studio

    Good luck selling.

    Iceyy- Borderline retired rohan expert.
    TERA (USA): Ohaiyo @ Ascention Valley
    Need help? PM me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hello Shadow, Thanks for the help but the player is from SEAL. <3

    @fattso4 We have a specific marketplace in SEAL now, you can find it in Unity Server

  5. #5
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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