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  1. #1

    Exclamation Frequent crashes in elemental dungeon! (IN PROGRESS ⏳)

    Frequent crashes and hang in elemental dungeon!

    Dear GM,

    I am writing to express my serious concern regarding the

    FREQUENT AND RANDOM CRASHES I have been experiencing while playing this game when I doing Elemental Dungeon. These crashes occur even when I only have two windows open.

    These crashes are extremely disruptive and hinder my ability to fully enjoy the game. I kindly request that the GM team take IMMEDIATE ACTION to optimize Elemental Dungeon and resolve this issue.

    Based on my research, several other players have also reported experiencing SIMILAR CRASH ISSUES. This indicates that the problem is not isolated to my account but is affecting a wider player base.

    Here are some additional details regarding the crash issue:

    ~ Frequency: Crashes occur randomly, with no discernible pattern.
    ~ Number of windows: Crashes occur even when only two windows are open.
    ~ Impact: Crashes cause the game to freeze and result in the loss of unsaved data.
    ~ Testimonies from other players: Numerous players have voiced their complaints about these crashes ingame.

    I urge the GM team to PRIORITIZE THIS MATTER and promptly implement optimizations for Elemental Dungeon to address these frequent crashes.

    Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

    Last edited by SasoreGM; 06-17-2024 at 08:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Additional information that I have experienced this week may be of help.
    1. When I was casting a buff and casting the buff wasn't finished until the next stage, in the midst of this the game window often came out or crashed (forced close).
    2. Monsters respawning simultaneously would most likely cause me to quit the game.
    I hope that in MT this week, this problem will gradually no longer appear. Thank u for your hardwork GM Team and Dev.


  3. #3
    Playwith Staff SasoreGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Hello Rohanian!

    About the mentioned issue:

    We are currently checking it with the DevTeam, we will be following up and continue testing this specific Dungeon to see if we can discover some pattern.

    Note: As soon we have more news about this, we will update this post.

    We appreciate your continuous support and are sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,
    -R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
    Vengeance Never Ends

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