Suggestions For Disconnect
To Rohan Vengeance Team:
Posting my Official Suggestion thread in here.
Upon searching "Disconnect" there's no recent post related to this.
Mostly complaints with submission of ticket as suggestion.
First, let me enumarate some experiences regarding this disconnect issues in-game by experience.
1. Loading of Character upon login
- Indeed this might be solved by having a fast internet, but as a globally/international server, please don't expect that everyone are capable to have this. Some countries have poor internet infrastructure.
2. Loading of Players
- Indeed this might also be resolved by having a fast internet, but as stated above would be as much as the same.
3. Connection Failure
- This might also be resolved by having fast internet but with some connection stability factors which might also occur when having a high speed internet.
4. Unknown Factors
- There are some instances of disconnection, where you can't identify what was the cause immediately.
Finally, please see below suggestions that might help.
Suggestion #1
Reconnect Feature
- I believe this was available in the former Rohan Mobile and also a common features nowadays on any gaming flatform.
- This may solve a lot of annoyances with disconnect issues.
- I have been suggesting this since Jan. 2023
Suggestion #2
Player Info Saved File
- Wherein, when encountering a player for the first time, it will save a local file on whatever is needed when loading them and will only updated when there was no changes on that player when seen next time.
- I believe this would reduce the loading of players everytime.
Suggestion #3
Immortality Buff
(assuming that the disconnection area was in a dungeon)
- It was really annoying when relogging in upon disconnection and then you will pop as dead. So maybe atleast a 10-20 secs. immortality would help everyone to avoid this scenario.
- If Suggestion #1 is not feasible, at least make this one possible.
Suggestion #4
Return to Game Log-in Page
- To reduce time on relogging in, I hope you can eliminate the force close/exit of the game when disconnected.
- This would be the simpliest and a temporary solution that I can think of.
I would like to hear some feedbacks and other suggestions you can think of for the better experience in the game.