Conversation Between EaglePhoenix and knuffl88

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  1. EaglePhoenix
    Oi slowpoke =]

    Just poking to say lvl 7's are up, maybe you knew already since yesterday or so xD thought i'd just mention to be sure.

    Sleep well and have an enjoying day tomorrowish.
  2. knuffl88
    haha well it fits xD
  3. EaglePhoenix
    LOL and FU bish lmao

    Applikationen sind wie Männer. Sie hüpfen gedankenlos umeinander xD

    If i translated taht right that is lmao.
  4. EaglePhoenix
    yah, there are none on sale that's why i tried 1.1k per stack. Prolly because of magic shops were out of the game. Pitty they've put them back, now other ppl will make crystals again I liked the no magic shop idea >.<

    and lol @ dad. WELL... I guess not then xDDD - won't die :P - or well, maybe i will > - myu happens lol
  5. knuffl88
    yeh I knew they d sell thats why I said :P and erm lol might not be able to play. dad will need my stick today cause he wants to try if we can use it during holidays. Hm ghay -.-
  6. EaglePhoenix
    Actually, i sold today and yesterday those crystals.

    last night 1 stack for 900, and today 2 for 1.1k each. Guess i could spare out pt scroll o.O..

    So, me on erdi and sushi, you on luft, anything else is additional. Ofc.. if we could find a scroller instead and eventually a temp would be nice for buffs. Ward isn't that important - at least not for erdi. So yeh, don't know. Will what we can grab
  7. EaglePhoenix
    shush, your fault lol.

    Current defender and temp online want dungeon pt instead
  8. knuffl88
    and lol @ own wallpost
  9. knuffl88
    mewpew :<
    will see xD might be first back and then i can look for ppl
  10. EaglePhoenix
    yah, but i'll have dinners first tho, around 7pm
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