Conversation Between kayakaro and frank93usa

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  1. frank93usa
    kayakayakaya... come to divinity ;p
  2. frank93usa
    heyyyyyy !
  3. frank93usa
    I miss u pro trolling QQ
  4. frank93usa
    don't make me..... lol anyways, i don't think it would work with u tho coz we never met so we don't know anything of each others. Although, for wat id seen i think your pretty easy.
  5. kayakaro
    yeah I've seen your skills with Linn. She's falling all over you isn't she.
  6. frank93usa
    your jealous? I could hit on u and in 2 hours you'll be mine.
  7. kayakaro
    Go back to Linn puppy.
  8. frank93usa
    yes love. !
  9. kayakaro
    no love .
  10. frank93usa
    thx for the love. <3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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