Conversation Between OrangGila and knuffl88

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  1. knuffl88
    ha lol na I'm not xD

    Right now we are programming on a so named: identity and access manager. It's all about roles in a company, access to this and that etc. It's quite fun
  2. OrangGila
    so u re not working for bayern? how saaddd what kind of programmer?
  3. knuffl88
    ha lol no, Im a programmer xD
  4. OrangGila
    so u work for bayern munich? as a cheerleader? xD
  5. knuffl88
    munich in germany x)
  6. OrangGila
    bubububuubuttttt 666 is cooler than 2.9k!! Germany?which city?i thought u live in US...leaving where?
  7. knuffl88
    lol yah it's some time away :P I live in Germany. BUT I have 2.9k visits. HARRHARR

    anyway, leaving now :P cya around xD
  8. OrangGila
    may?omg thats like half years frm nowwww!!! anyway where do u live? and wow i just notice i have 666visitors...evil sign >
  9. knuffl88
    haha na. Exams are in May XD lulz
  10. OrangGila
    but next year is still longgg....go play on january 1st will ya?haha
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 44
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